˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚uses˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

You're laying on the roof outside of your bedroom window overlooking the back garden, smoking a joint and watching the last of the sunlight disappear over the horizon, trying to shake off your shitty day.

You're lost in your own misery when you hear your bedroom door slide open, you sit up with a start, concealing the joint behind your body and trying in vain to waft away any lingering smoke as a familiar smiling face pops into view.

"Aren't you cold?" His face disappears again before his leg swings over the windowsill and Yoongi Min climbs out of the window to take up a seat next to you.

"You scared the shit out of me." You scold before automatically passing him the joint, he takes it easily, inhaling deeply before responding.

"It's not my fault you don't read your messages," He exhales smoothly, a plume of smoke disappearing into the swiftly darkening sky, "I warned you I was on the way."

You remember your phone, purposely discarded on your bed while you were changing into your baggiest tank top and shorts so you could sulk in comfort. "Fair enough.".

He takes another hit before passing it back, side eyeing your appearance, "Should I take it your little meetup didn't go well, then?"

You give him a flat look that he proceeds to blow smoke into until you wave your hand in front of your face and turn away, annoyed. "Dick.", you mutter, but he pays you no mind.

You're going to have to tell him at some point so you decide to just power through. "No, as a matter of fact, it didn't." He turns to face you properly but you find you can't meet his eye, something like shame makes your cheeks start to warm with a faint blush. "He's met someone else, he says I couldn't possibly understand that college is different and he needs to be free to live his new life and find out who he really is blah blah blah..."

You put on a brave tone but he knows how hurt you must be, how anxious you've been for the last couple of months while your boyfriend's attentions had run hot and cold. Yoongi had even been there the day you'd been found sobbing behind the gym after some more than incriminating photos had appeared on his social page.

You exhale a deep sigh, "So that's that." You say it with more conviction despite not fully believing it or feeling as such. More softly you add, "Two fucking years. It was only New Years when he said that he wanted us to be together forever but in reality he didn't even last a single semester."

You hear him click his tongue in annoyance, "The guy's an idiot.", Yoongi states simply, gesturing for you to pass the joint back to him. He pauses before it reaches his lips, "Your last?" He holds it up, questioningly.

"Nah," You shake your head and reach for your rolling tin, "Go ahead."

He gives you a grunt in, what you assume is, thanks. He puffs on it thoughtfully, watching your quick fingers work as you roll another.

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