‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ all mine ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾

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"Do you think you could handle it?" Hoseok asks in a low murmur, voice filled with amusement.

Y/n blinks back at her boyfriend, eyes glazing over with intrigue.

Hoseok and Y/n had just returned from their date. He had taken her out for the evening to celebrate five months of being together. Though it may not be some grand anniversary that most would boast about, for them, it was an accomplishment. Y/n struggled with accepting love while Hoseok struggled with commitment—in some weird and twisted way, their issues worked for them.

The two overcame a lot to recognize just how much they wanted to be together. Unexpected and definitely unplanned, but still, the relationship built on physical wants and desires bloomed into one of understanding and substance.

"I can handle anything you toss my way." She replies, matching Hoseok's darkening stare.

Hoseok breathes out a chuckle. He found Y/n to be quite interesting. For someone who he deemed as shy and innocent, she was quite the opposite. She never backed down from any of his suggestions in the bedroom. He recalls, last month, how she was more than willing to be bound up and helpless to his touch. It's rare that Hoseok finds someone as eager as Y/n, especially when she adapts so well to his suggestions. The thought of her bent over and gagged has Hoseok eager to follow through with tonight's plans.

"You think so?" He muses as his eyes scan over her frame.

The two had met through a mutual friend. They both had known of one another for years, making small talk through mutual friend gatherings and going through standard pleasantries whenever they saw one another. It's not as if Hoseok avoided Y/n upon first meeting her, but rather, the two just never seemed to cross paths long enough to truly get to know one another.

And then one fateful night, as a mutual friend of theirs hosted a party in celebration of their promotion, Hoseok and Y/n just so happen to be thrown together in conversation. Fueled by alcohol and an underlying desire to see what was under her clothes, they both found some mutual ground to walk on. It was that night that led to many more, in which the two would find some sort of satiation when enwrapped in one another's arms.

"Of course I can. Do you think I can't?" She counters, raising her brows for further effect.

Hoseok was surprised by their compatibility. Y/n was someone who didn't care for a lingering presence while Hoseok was someone who took their time to open up to another person. Neither pushed the other out of their comfort zone and just allowed things to happen naturally. That doesn't mean there weren't a few bumps along the way, but it was all manageable—agreeable even that Hoseok couldn't help but fall for her almost instantly.

Staring back at Y/n, her eyes trailing up and down his frame, Hoseok feels the familiar stir of desire shooting through his body. He slowly closes the distance between them as he reaches up to cup her face. "No, I know you can handle it." He murmurs lowly, eyes skimming down the front of her dress. It hugged her body in the best way possible that he couldn't wait to peel the material off of her.

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