。୨୧˚ misunderstandings 。୨୧˚

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"You sure you want to do this?" Seokjin asks while smirking at you. His drink tips in your direction, as if adding to his teasing tone, but it's his stare that has your heart fluttering.

Why would he have that affect over me? You think sourly to yourself.

You've known Seokjin for years and a good majority of that time was spent despising his inflated ego. You had nothing in common with him other than a few mutual friends who thought it would be a spectacular idea to leave you alone with him. Well, it's not that they intended to leave you alone with him, but that was neither here nor there. The situation wouldn't have been bad if the thunderstorm that raged on outside didn't make it nearly impossible to leave the place.

You roll your eyes at Seokjin when you realize he's been waiting for you to reply. "I think I can handle my alcohol just fine." You bite back while grabbing the bottle from his hand and pouring yourself a neat shot of whiskey.

It wasn't your preferred type of alcohol, but since the cabin was short on alcohol, you figured this was better than being sober around Seokjin. Your friends will hear an earful from you the next time you see them because this was practically an unjust prison sentence.

Initially the weekend was meant to celebrate Namjoon's promotion from assistant to the editor to actually becoming an editor at the company he works at. It was a big deal which is what led to this weekend even being a thing. Everyone was supposed to come in their own cars, and since you've a punctual nature, you showed up first. The downside to this was that the cabin was Seokjin's, meaning he was here before anyone else. Due to the freak storm that hit the area, the roads were flooded out, leaving you alone and unable to escape Seokjin.

Seokjin, the bane of your existence and spoiled rich kid of the group, was someone you would normally avoid. You're not even sure why your group of friends befriended him, but regardless of their decision, you were certain you wouldn't entertain him anymore than you already have.

You weren't always this hostile towards him. In fact, when you were first introduced to Seokjin, you had given him the benefit of the doubt. You exchanged pleasant small talk with him and even went out of your way to make sure his cup was never empty, something a good hostess always does. And then he had to go and muck it up.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Seokjin asks as his eyes scans over your frame.

You exhale a deep sigh. "Hate is much too strong of a word to represent how I feel about you." You mutter back.

"Then what gives?" He prompts curiously before taking a sip of his drink.

Your expression goes flat. You're unsure if you're more upset that he doesn't remember or the fact that he's merely making conversation with you. Either way, you narrow your stare on him before opting to go into the living room.

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