☆.。.:* his night ☆.。.:*

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"How do I look?"

You pause before pressing the doorbell and do a quick spin for your boyfriend as he looks you up and down.

"Like the prettiest dead girl I've ever seen." Yoongi Min gives you his best appreciative grin as he leans in to kiss you.

You bring your hand to his lips and stop him before he reaches you. "You're gonna ruin my make up."

He pouts against your touch. "But it's my night!" He whines petulantly, pressing in to nuzzle against the bandages around your neck.

"When we get home." Your tone is firm but you can't help the sigh that escapes you as his warm breath breezes across the bare skin of your shoulder. His fingers creep up to pull at the strap of your sleeveless white nightdress, You slap his hand away. "Until then I get to say no to you whenever I want."

Before he can complain any further, you press the doorbell to the noisy house, eager to be out of the cold.

"Happy Halloween!" Hoseok stops mid-greeting. Eyes frozen on Yoongi. "Oh. My. God."

You roll your eyes because you know how excited he's going to be now his moment has come.

A pleased grin splits his face as he steps into the doorway. "You rang?"

Even you had to admit the costume was very impressive. When he'd first said he wanted to go to this little get together as a Roman Catholic priest, you'd blamed the recent uptick in horror movies he'd been consuming and assumed it would pass. Now, a month later, here we are. He'd even managed to find one with red trim because no matter how old he gets, some things will apparently never change.

And, worst of all, he looks damned good in it and he knows it.

Prop bible in one hand, he lays the other on Hoseok's shoulder, "My child, when was your last confession?" When it becomes clear they are too bewildered to play along he moves further into the house, greeted by many cheers, presumably to carry on the charade.

As Hoseok's eyes swing back to you, you give a helpless shrug and hand over the bottle of wine you'd brought as an offering. "Thanks for inviting us." You step into the house and close the door behind you quickly, fighting off a full body shiver.

Hoseok looks you up and down. "Oh, you must be freezing! You look really good though, the bandages are a nice touch." You fiddle self consciously with the ones on your wrists and give a quiet moment of thanks to Yoongi for suggesting wrapping them around your ankles as well, almost positive that, if not for that extra bit of coverage, you wouldn't have any feeling left in your toes right now.

You make your way around the various groups of guests, posing for pictures and taking your time to greet and catch up with people you rarely get to see anymore.

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