☆.。.:* three's company ☆.。.:*

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You're staring into the middle distance before class when Seokjin takes the seat next to you.

You steel yourself before you look over to greet him. He gives you a slightly exasperated look but when tears don't well up in your eyes his relief is obvious.

The week and a bit after your little revelation had been extremely tough. Namjoon had been left bewildered and confused after your highly emotional confession when you'd refused to tell him anything more, after all, it wasn't your secret to tell. Then every class had started by you, sleep deprived and guilt-ridden, spontaneously bursting into tears upon the mere sight of Seokjin. He'd tried to comfort you at first, his kindness only leaving you more upset. This had culminated in him, rightly, losing his patience with you, basically telling you that if he could keep it together then you could, too.

It had been what you'd needed to snap out of your self pity. Mostly. You weren't the worst off in this situation, it was time to suck it up and do better. So, now, you were only sort of avoiding them both, rather than overtly.

"Will you come with me somewhere tonight?" Seokjin meets your eye expectantly, giving you a tentative smile.

You offer a shaky smile of your own in return, trying your best to sound cheerful. "Sure."

You're saved from having to say anything more when your lecturer enters the hall and you get to lose yourself in schoolwork for a couple of hours.

You hadn't been sure what he'd wanted your company for, but you know you hadn't expected this.

You take a seat next to Seokjin in the massive gym, surprised by the amount of people in the crowd watching the basketball players warm up on the court. You'd never been in here before, having left any real thoughts of school sports back in high school.

You don't know the first thing about basketball, but even you can see how impressive some of the players appear to be. You see Namjoon, and your heart flutters, you'd heard a lot about his playing but never seen it for yourself.

The strength with which he exudes makes your stomach flip, reminiscent of that ache you get low in your belly before you have sex with him, he's just so powerful. Seokjin watches your reaction and nods, he looks almost proud. "Wait until he really gets going."

They're winning by halftime. It passes in a whirlwind of a blur, the speed and action hard to follow. Seokjin is patient in his explanations, taking the time to answer all of your questions and explain the different plays, he also tells you more about Namjoon's position, you think the title suits him. You're surprised how engaging it is, excitement quickly overtaking any confusion.

In fact, you get so into it, that the true stress of being invested quickly becomes apparent, the tension peaking dramatically whenever Namjoon is taking point in the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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