∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒 dreaming ∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒

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You were dreaming, that much you were sure of.

You immediately became aware of your dream state the moment you saw his dimples. His smile often made you feel like you were finally home after a long day. It had been a while since you had this kind of dream. The kind of dream that allowed you to reminisce in the past while hoping it would somehow become your future. It felt hopeful and light that you didn't want to wake up, not yet anyway. You wanted a few more selfish moments with him. It was a bittersweet feeling to experience. The lightness of hope that alluded to an outcome vastly different from your current circumstance.

However, reality came crashing down by the sound of your alarm going off. The jarring sound of beeping, resembling that of a car alarm, stirred you awake. You were faced with morning light streaming through the crack of your curtains. You felt the weight of your tiredness heavy on your shoulders, but you woke up to start your morning routine. You had promised your best friend, So-min, that you would accompany her to the gym. You despised waking up earlier than you had to, but it somehow gave you a good boost to start your day off right.

When finally dressed and ready, you make your way to the gym. The walk was no more than two blocks away. You spent that time thinking about your dream. You haven't dreamt of Namjoon in such a long time that it startled you to some extent. You and Namjoon broke up nearly five years ago. At the time, the decision seemed sudden. But in hindsight, you try to reason it was for the best. By the end of your relationship with him, Namjoon seemed distant, and it pained you to even think of continuing a relationship where he wasn't putting in any effort.

"You look like you could use some coffee." So-min comments when she sees you. She had been waiting outside the gym doors for you.

"I desperately need it, but I'll drink that after this dreaded workout." You grumble before adding, "It'll be like a reward if I manage to get through everything before passing out."

So-min shakes her head in response, laughing at your sour mood before following you into the gym. The workout went well, and you even managed to finish strong without dying. The two of you quickly freshen up in the gym bathroom before heading to your usual morning spot. It was a small café near the gym. It served coffee and your favorite breakfast foods.

"So, we still on for tonight?" So-min asks as she stirs some cream into her coffee.


She rolls her eyes at you. "We're supposed to go out to celebrate Nari's promotion."

You had completely forgotten about tonight and was intending on spending the night in since you wanted nothing more than to catch up on some shows you queued up on Netflix.

"Right," You mumble out before adding, "Yeah, I'm still coming. Where are we going anyway?"

So-min shrugs her shoulders. "I think dinner and maybe a club. Nari wants to grab a few drinks so hopefully nothing crazy."

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