Other Wolves

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Peyton's POV

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Peyton's POV

So my life sucks, well no not really. Things could be worse. Where are my manners? Hi, I am Peyton and I was a normal foster girl. Being shipped from foster home to foster home since I was six. After my mother died. Never knew my father.

I thought things wouldn't change until I was eighteen. But when I was sixteen I turned into a wolf for the first time in New York. I had got real sick before hand and I was home alone when it happened. I destroyed her room and was kicked out.

That was several months ago. Since then I have felt a pull to go to Washington. So I grabbed all my possessions and saved up money doing some odd jobs. And set out for it in January, once I had saved enough. Along the way, I learnt I turn when I get angry or my emotions got the best of me. That I can get angry really easy, I used to be pretty level headed before I changed. Also each time I turn into a wolf, my clothes are destroyed.

But I also realized I can turn at will. I also had control most of the time in wolf form. I love running through the woods. Which is one of the reasons it's taken me so long to get to my destination. I loved exploring the woods and would spend days exploring every new forest before moving on.

Anyway I have finally reached the woods near a small town called Forks in Washington. Rather then go to a motel or hotel. I decided to sleep in the woods in wolf form, as it is cheaper. However, I didn't know about the other shifters in town or about the hunters hunting them.

(Next morning, March Seventh 2006)

I walk through the forest relaxed in wolf form. I had had a good sleep and I am now looking for something to drink. I've been able to turn into a wolf since late December last year. My stupid foster parents kicked me out the week before Christmas and I've been traveling ever since. When I wasn't saving money to get here.

Anyway, I feel like I'm close to what my wolf has been looking for. I can't really communicate with her, but I feel like this is where I'm meant to be. Where she wanted me to be. Maybe my dad was from here. I don't remember my mum, but I know she never turned into a wolf. Maybe my dad did and that's how I can turn.

It'll be a full moon in a week. That's the one thing I don't get. I always thought werewolves only turned on a full moon. But, I guess I can't believe everything I read online or in books. I haven't seen anyone else like me to ask. But I do wonder if other supernatural creatures like vampires exist. Again I haven't found anyone who can explain this all to me. Hopefully I'll find someone here who can.

As I walk, something alerts me to danger and my fur stands on end. I growl lowly as I enter a meadow eyeing the trees. Suddenly four large wolves appear on the opposite end of the meadow. The biggest, was jet black. I growl lowly flattening my ear. They snarl at me and I crouch then take off running away from them.

I manage to out run them. Or so I thought as I stopped to catch my breath by a ravine. When suddenly something rams into my side. I yelp in shock and in pain as I roll into the ravine. I land on the bottom flat on my stomach. I whine in pain.

I lift my head and see the now five wolves circling me. A rusty coloured one has joined them, he must of been the one to push me into the ravine. I whimper tucking my tail between my hind legs. Trying to make myself look as small as possible. I feel something nagging at my mind and shake my head trying to make it go away. But the feeling gets stronger.

'Can you hear me?' suddenly a male voice asks in my head. I look around confused. Where was he? 'I am in front of you' he states and I look up at the big black wolf in awe.

'You are like me' I think.

'Yes, I am Sam Uley the alpha of this pack' he states. 'And you are?' he asks.

'Peyton, just Peyton. I've been searching for others like me. Can you please teach me?' I ask hopeful as I stand up slowly. Praying they won't attack.

'We do not usually accept new members from outside the tribe' he tells me.

'Please, my wolf guided me here for a reason. I can not do this alone' I plead close to tears. He looks at one of the other wolves and nods his head.

'It is not safe here, there are hunters searching for us. Follow us and we will discuss this' he tells me. I relax, glad they aren't attacking me.

'Ok, but can I get my bag first?' I ask and he nods his head. I lead them to the cave I had slept in last night. I pick my bag up in between my teeth and turned to Sam. 'Where to?' I ask him.

'Follow us' he tells me and they take off. I sprint after them. I'm soon running along side him. 'You are fast' he notes.

'Faster then you' I brag with a wolfy smile. 'Though I do not know the way, so I will keep pace with you' I explain. He nods his head. 'What are the others names?' I ask curious.

'Jared, Jacob, Paul and Embry' he answers. Great, all males. This will be fun. 'You will meet them properly once we reach our destination. Along with my imprint' he states.

'Imprint?' I say confused.

'All will be explained at the house' he assures me. I sigh and say nothing else. As we continued to run through the forest. I could tell the others were curious about me, as was Sam.

But I couldn't hear the others for some reason. Guess it's because I'm not part of the pack. I can only hear Sam, because he's the alpha of the pack. But what does that make me? If I don't have a pack. I hope they accept me and maybe I can finally have a real family here.

When we reach a wooden house we stop. 'What now?' I ask not feeling comfortable transforming in front of five men. Especially strangers.

'You may transform on the other side of the house' Sam tells me. I nod my head grateful and go around the opposite side of the house. I make sure no one is around and transform back. Before putting my clothes on. I take a deep calming breath running a hand through my short hair. Time to meet the pack.


Picture above of the four wolves and pictures in chapter of Peyton & her wolf.

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