Talk with Bella & Edward

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Peyton's POV

It's been two weeks since I joined the pack. I love being apart of the pack. Hurt like a bitch getting my tattoo. But Sam and Leah were there the whole time. Charlie was not thrilled when he saw it. But understands it makes me feel like a part of the tribe. That I'm home.

Anyway, today Jacob is going to remind Edward about a key point in the treaty. I haven't told him that Sam has gone to the elders about the matter of Bella becoming a vampire. That the council is debating the issue. According to Dr Cullen they'll do it after she graudates, so we have until then to come up with a decision in regards to the treaty.

But like I said. Jacob doesn't know that the council is debating allowing Bella being turned. As it's her decision. And it's been eighty years since the treaty was made. And the Cullens have honoured their side since then. So has the pack. Aside from when Jacob accidentally told Bella about the Cullens. Before he knew all the legends were real.

I'm still getting used to the pack mind link. Leah was right, I enjoy the peace when I don't have a bunch of teenage boy reading my thoughts. We try to keep our minds on the job. But takes some getting used too.  Especially since Jared imprinted on his crush. His thoughts can get very R rated. Until someone snaps at him.

Anyway, Jacob and I are waiting for Edward and Bella. They're on their way home from school in Edward's car. They should be here shortly. We hear a car heading our way and Jacob jumps onto the road. I roll my eyes as Edward stops his car before it can hit Jacob. I jump down beside him.

I lock eyes with Edward, thinking 'we need to talk'.

"They want to talk" Edward tells Bella. Jacob and I head back into the woods. Edward and Bella soon join us.

"Hi cousin, glad you're back" I state.

"I'm happy you found a home" she tells me. "You should come over for dinner sometime" she adds.

"I will, tell Uncle Charlie I say hi" I tell her. She nods her head. "Ok, now for why we're here" I state looking at Jacob.

"You're still alive" Jacob says eyeing Edward.

"I've been calling you" Bella tells him.

"Couldn't drop by? Even to see your new cousin?" Jacob asks her. He thinks Edward's been keeping Bella away.

"He thinks I'm keeping you away" Edward states.

"Stay the hell out of my head!" Jacob snaps.

"Jacob, chill" I tell him. "Edward, we'd appreciate it if you tried not to read our thoughts" I tell him calmly. He nods his head.

"Dad grounded me, Jake. We're trying to get back before 4" Bella states.

"We'll be quick then" I assure her.

"Jacob, I know you have something to say to me, but I'd like to say something first. Alright?" Edward asks. Jacob nods his head. "Thank you. For keeping Bella alive when I didn't" he says.

"No, you didn't. And it wasn't for your benefit, trust me" Jacob tells him.

"I know. I'm still grateful. But I'm back now. And I'm not leaving Bella's side till she orders me away" Edward tells him. As he shares a look of love and devotion with Bella.

"We'll see" Jacob says hiding his hurt.

"Either way, we'll handle Victoria from here on out" Edward states.

"Wrong, Bella is my family Edward. If this Victoria steps onto our land we'll deal with her. We want to be in the loop" I tell him.

"Noted" he states.

"She's been laying low. Ever since your freaky sister showed up. Guess she can't stand you Cullens either" Jacob states.

"Enough the pair of you" I tell them. "We've talked about Victoria and Bella has to get home before four. So lets move on to the other reason we're here" I state.

"I'm here to remind you about a key point in the Treaty" Jacob tells Edward.

"I haven't forgotten" Edward assures him.

"What key point?" Bella asks.

"If any of them bites a human, the truce is over. That's bite, not kill" Jacob clarifies.

"But if I choose it, it's none of your business" Bella states. Jacob is horrified, starting to shake with rage.

"If you... what!? No. No way. I won't let you" he says.

"Jacob calm down" I say as Edward tells Bella to step back.

"You're not gonna be one of them" Jacob tells Bella.

"That's not your call" she tells him.

"You know what we'll do to you I won't have a choice" Jacob states.

"You guys should go" I tell Edward.

"We're done here" he agrees and goes to lead Bella away. Jacob lunges, trying to extract Bella from him.

"You don't speak for her!" Jacob yells. Edward pushes Jacob away; he flies back ten feet in the air, but mid-air he phases into a wolf. I growl and get in front of him as Edward gets in front of Bella. But she gets in front of him.

"You do this, you'll be going through me" she tells them. "Jacob I'm sorry, but don't make me choose between you two. Because it'll be Edward, it'll always be Edward" she tells him. Jacob runs off back towards home. "Jacob" she says.

"He'll be fine, just needs to cool off" I tell her. "Bella, is this really what you want? To be a vampire?" I ask her. Looking her in the eyes.

"I love Edward and want to be with him forever. Forever isn't long if I'm human" she states. Not looking away.

"Ok then" I say and look at Edward. "You ever hurt her again, it won't be the pack you have to worry about Edward. It'll be me" I tell him. He nods his head. "You two should get home, see you around Bella" I say.

"Need a ride?" Edward asks politely.

"I'll be fine" I assure him. Then take off through the woods. I run to Emily's. I fill Sam in on what happened. He said he'd talk to Jacob and the elder council. I then help Emily make dinner.


Picture above of Peyton with her tribal tattoo.

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