Peyton Meets Charlie

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Peyton's POV

It's the day after I arrived and apparently someone is coming over to meet me. But Sam and Emily won't say who. I've put on my best clothes though. A clean plain tank top and denim shorts. Jared and Paul are here also. Apparently Embry and Jacob are on patrol.

I'm helping Emily make muffins. "Didn't know you could cook" Jared states. As he leans on the kitchen bench.

"Not really, I use to help my mum bake. It was only a couple months before I was kicked out, that my foster mum started to teach me the basics of cooking " I explain. As we put the muffins into the oven. They'd br ready in 15 minutes.

"I can teach you, if you want?" Emily offers.

"I'd like that" I tell her. Just then we hear a car pull up.

"He’s here" Sam states.

"Who?" I ask.

"You sound like an owl" Jared teases. I growl playfully.

"Enough you two" Sam tells us. "Now he knows nothing about wolves or vampires. So no mentioning either" he tells me. I nod as the person knocks and Emily goes to answer it. I start to lay out the food and smack Jared's hand away.

"Guests first" I state.

"But I am a guest" he shoots back.

"Don’t get technical with me" I tell him.

"Peyton" Sam says and I turn to face him. I gasp slightly at the man beside him.

"Charlie " I whisper.

"You know me?" the man asks.

"I saw a picture of you once a long time ago. Mum said your name was Charlie and that she may have introduced us one day. But then she died" I state.

"What was your mother's name?" Charlie asks.

"Taylor, I think. Most called her Taya" I tell him shrugging. He looks into my eyes.

"You have her eyes" he states.

"Were you a friend of my mother?" I ask him.

"Sort of" he mutters. "Lets sit down" he suggests and I nod. We sit on the couch. He hands me a photo of four people in a hospital room. I recognised Charlie and my mum.

"That's you and my mum" I state.

"With our parents, it was the last photo of the four of us. Taylor was your age at the time" he tells me.

"So you're saying you and mum were siblings? " I ask him.

"Yes, she was my kid sister. She left when she was eighteen and never came back" he tells me.

"She never really talked about her life before me, I don’t even know who my father was " I tell him.

"We may know who, but we'll need a DNA test to prove it. Along if you're my niece" he states.

"And what happens then?" I ask.

"You'll get a say, you could either move in with daughter and I. Or stay here" he states.

"Why would staying here be an option?" I ask.

"Because your father maybe my dead uncle. Which would make us cousins" Sam states. "I mean we do have some things in common" he adds giving me a look.

"We do" I agree.

"How long would a DNA test take?" Emily asks.

"We would get the results in 2 - 4 weeks" Charlie states.

"Until then you are welcome to stay here" Emily tells me.

"Though I'd like to get to know you also" Charlie tells me.

"We could hang out on weekends, go fishing or something " I suggest.

"I'd like that" he states. "Anyway, we'll have to organise a date for the DNA test that suits the three of us" he adds.

"How about the start of spring break?" Emily suggests.  Sam and Charlie agree. Before Charlie leaves for work. We then have lunch as Embry and Jacob join us. We had all the muffins.

"Now what?" I ask.

"We begin your training" Sam states. "First we'll test your speed, strength and reflexes" he explains. I nod my head in understanding. We go outside while Embry volunteered to help Emily clean up. Jacob went home to sleep.

First we tested my strength against Paul. He won. Then we tested my reflexs. Last we tested my speed and apparently I am the fastest shifter here. Guess it's a perk of being smaller then the guys. I may not have their muscles, but I make up for it in speed.

Sam took me on a tour of their territory. He then took me to where they had killed the vampire. It was faint due to all the rain. But with my heighten senses. I smelled the sickly sweet scent and memorised it. Apparently all vampires smell that way.

We then returned to the house for dinner. There Sam explained how to tell a human blood drinking and animal blood drinking vampire apart. It's the eyes. Red is human, golden amber animal. Black is hungry vampire. After dinner, I helped Emily clean up and call it a night. Tired from the training that afternoon.

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