Hunt for Victoria

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Peyton's POV

It's been five and half since Jacob and I spoke to Edward & Bella. Not a lot has happened on the reserve since then. Though we maybe getting two new pack members soon. Both Collin Littlesea and Brady Fuller are both unwell. They are only thirteen. Seth is a little excited at not being the youngest anymore. But he still isn't allowed on patrols and is still training. Along with being home schooled.

Speaking of school. I am doing well at school. I just stick with the other pack members at school. Ignoring the rumors about me sleeping with them. That's just gross. But that isn't the only rumor going around the reservation. Apparently Collin's older brother William is coming back to La Push after being gone for nearly two years. He had heard his brother was unwell and decided to come back. He used to be Sam's best friend before he left and Sam stayed.

I don't know why, but I am strangely excited about meeting him. I guess because he is a potential new pack member. As he is still in the age range to have the shift be triggered. Which is between puberty and the age of twenty-five. He is only twenty. Sam prays he doesn't as he doesn't want his best friend to go through that. But we have no say in who shifts or when.

Anyway, I maybe ditching school today. What? I was up late on patrol with Leah and Jacob. Sue me. Besides I've been top of my class since I started school. I can afford to miss a day and Sam doesn't mind. Though we're not telling Charlie. I am chilling as Jacob's on his couch, he is in his room sleeping. His dad is out with old Quil.

When the phone rings. Strange. I get up and go answer it. "Black residence, Peyton Swan-Uley speaking" I state.

"Oh Peyton, it's you" a voice says. "My name is Carlisle" he states.

"Carlisle Cullen?" I ask as Jacob appears giving me a confused look.

"Yes, I have news" he states.

"About what?" I ask him.

"Victoria" he answers.

"The red haired vampire" Jacob clarifies.

"What about her?" I ask Carlisle.

"Alice had a vision at school today. Victoria is planning to try attack this weekend, she'll cross close to the treaty line" he explains. "Edward said you'd want to know with Bella being your cousin and with Victoria after her" he states.

"I do, thank you for tell us" I tell him grateful. "I'll alert Sam straight away" I assure him. "Is Bella gonna be safe?" I ask him.

"Edward is already putting a plan in motion to ensure her safety" he assures me.

"Thank you Carlisle" I say. "When is she due?" I ask.

"Saturday night" he answers.

I thank him again and hang up the phone. I turn to Jacob with a smile. "Lets go tell the others, we have a vampire hunt to plan" I tell him. He smiles and we leave the house, locking the door behind us. We shift in private and howl. Then race to the meeting spot in wolf form, which I win. The rest of the pack joins not long after and we plan our attack.

Most of us will all go after Victoria. Leah and Seth will remain to protect the tribe. Which neither was happy about. But Sam wanted to keep our true number a secret. Besides what if Collin or Brady phased while we hunted Victoria, someone had to be there encase something happened. To try calm them down while we dealt with Victoria.

(Time skip to Saturday night)

It's time, we're all laying in wait for Victoria's scent. Leah and Seth are at Emily's in wolf form. Ready to defend the tribe if necessary. Good thing Edward is out of town with Bella. Otherwise he'd hear that there is more of us then the Cullens believe. 'Are you sure the physic is right?' Embry asks.

'Has she ever been wrong?' Quil asks us.

'Aside from when she thought Bella was dead, no' I tell him.

'They are coming' Sam states getting to his feet. We feel a vampire enter our territory and take off running. Tracking it's scent. Sam, Jacob and I in the lead.

"She'll get away!" I hear a female shout. As we spot the red head vampire running along the creak that divides our territories.

"No, she won't!" the honey haired vampire states. The Cullens stay on their side and we stay on ours. Neither crossing the line. As the pack closed in on Victoria, she jumped back to the Cullen side and I snarl in frustration picking up speed. As she jumps back to our side, I go to tackle her. But she back hands me and I fly into a tree. I get up with a snarl and rejoin the chase as she jumps back to the Cullens side.

"All ours now" the tall dark haired Cullen states. I should really learnt their names. Sam growls at me to focus. I do so as the Cullens close in on Victoria. The dark haired Cullen grabs hold of her shoulders and hair. They roll head over keester. But Victoria uses the momentum to her advantage and flings Emmett off and over her into a tree. Angering him.

She takes the split second he's down to leap back over to wolf-land and keeps running. "Emmet, don't!" the long dark haired female Cullen yells. But Emmett seeing red flies over the ravine, the second his feet hit the other side Paul turns to face him with a snarl.

It would be simple enough for the dark haired male Cullen to defuse the situation by jumping back-but that's not his style. Paul growls with bravado. That just makes  the Cullen smile. I jump down in between them snarling. 'Stand down Paul' I snarl as Carlisle calls Emmett back. A wave of calm goes through us all, it was strange.

We notice Victoria got away and snarl. 'Paul go cool off' Sam orders. 'Jacob, Jared, Quil with me. Perimeter run now' he orders.

'What about Embry and I?' I ask him flicking my tail as the Cullens leave.

'Sam, Collin phased!' Seth calls through the pack link. Sam curses.

'We will handle it Sam' I assure him. He nods his head in thanks Embry and I ran to meet up with Seth & Collin. Who is scared shitless, which is understandable. We just stay with him, waiting for him to calm down. Only then would we able to tell him how to change back. But we have to get his trust first, I suggest Seth shift so that Collin could see a friendly face and it seemed to work. Though it still took the rest of the night to get Collin to calm down and trust us.

We took him to Emily's and I let Embry explain shifting. I went to shift myself. I greeted Emily and helped her serve breakfast as the rest of the pack arrived. Collin was human again and still looked really nervous. Sam explained everything over breakfast. It was little overwhelming for him, but he took the news well and will be joining Seth in training. Along with being home schooled until he learnt to control his temper better. To avoid shifting in public, by accident.


Gif above of Victoria running through the woods.

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