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(Treaty line) Third Persons POV

Sam paces the line waiting for Carlisle. Who finally has the results to the DNA tests. It's been five days since he and Peyton went on patrol together. It went well. He can tell it made her happy and it made him happy too. It felt right, like they were meant to be a team. With her speed and his strength, no vampire would stand a chance. He longs for the chance to go after Victoria again. It'd be easier to catch her if Peyton was apart of the pack, that why they could all hear her.

Carlisle appears and Sam looks at him. "Thanks for this" Sam tells him.

"Of course, here" Carlisle says handing him a file.

"You read the results?" Sam asks.

"Of course and I had a copy sent to Charlie, no doubt he'll be in contact" Carlisle tells him. Sam nods his head. "One more thing, I thought you should know Sam. Bella had us all vote and she wants to be a vampire. Most of us support her wish, I know the treaty we agreed to. But I was wondering if the pack would make an exception?" he asks.

"I'll talk to the elders, we'll be in touch" Sam assures him. Carlisle nods his head and left. Sam reads the file and left for Billy's.

(Emily's house) Peyton's POV

"So there's a bonfire tonight" Emily states.

"It's not like I'll be allowed to go Emily. I'm not Quileute, remember" I remind her with a sigh.

"You've been invited by the elders" she tells me. I look at her surprised. "Now help me prepare the food. We have a lot to make. Kim will come help along with Rachel" she states. Kim is Jared's imprint, apparently they had had a crush on each other for years. So things worked out great for them. Then a couple of days ago Rachel came to visit her father Billy and brother Jacob. She'll be finishing college soon.

The day she returned, Paul went to get Jacob for patrol and imprinted on her. Jacob was not happy about it.  Rachel doesn't know about the pack yet. But will be at the bonfire tonight. Paul plans on telling her the truth when she completes college and moves back. She is already crushing on him hard from what Kim has said. I hope I imprint one day.

Kim soon arrives with Rachel. We tease Rachel about her crush on Paul. We had the food prepared in no time. The boys came and helped us take it to the bonfire. Emily scolding Jared and Paul when they tried to knick some. Soon everyone has gathered.

"Before we begin, Sam Uley would like to say a few words" Billy states.

"Sam" old Quil says. Sam kisses Emily's cheek and stands up.

"Thanks Billy, Old Quil" Sam says. "Now Peyton, can you join me?" he asks. I look at him confused. Leah pushes me gently. I get up and head over to him. "Now for those of you who haven't met her. This is Peyton. She arrived nearly a month ago and is a shifter. She was looking for family and she's found it" he states.

"Really?" I ask him excited.

"Yes, results came in today. Welcome to the family and pack Peyton Swan-Uley" he tells me. Embry hoots with Jared. The pack cheers as I hug Sam tightly tears in my eyes. "Welcome home cousin" he tells me.

"It's feels amazing to be home" I tell him.

"Tonight is for you, you'll join the pack officially and will get your tattoo tomorrow. We will run as a pack tonight and you will be able to hear everyone, it will be a little overwhelming at first. But you'll get used to it" he assures me.

"What do I do?" I ask him.

"Do you swear to protect this land from vampires and all foes?" he asks.

"I swear" I tell him.

"Do you swear to follow your alpha without question? To be loyal to the pack?" he asks.

"I swear to both" I state.

"Do you swear to have your pack brothers and sisters backs?" he asks.

"I swear" I assure him.

"Then I Sam Uley, Alpha of the Quileute pack welcome you Peyton Swan-Uley into it" he tells me. The pack howls as I feel a surge go through me. "Lets run!" he declares. The guys agree and we race to the forest. Once I was alone I strip and shift and I hear he whole pack. It was a little disorientating at first. So I choose to focus on one voice Leah's.

'Welcome to the pack' she tells me.

'It feels great' I tell her.

'Trust me, you will long for the time where you do not have to listen to the boys' she assures me.

'Hey!' the boys protest.

'Quiet guys' Sam snaps. 'Lets run' he says. We all howl and take off running. We run our whole border as a pack. Before returning to the bonfire, where we partied most of the night. Until Sam ordered us all to go to bed. I return with him and Emily to her house. He tells me Charlie, my uncle got the results also and will no doubt contact me tomorrow. I nodded and thanked him. Before getting ready for bed and calling it a night.


Picture above of Emily's house and picture on the external link of the pack tattoo.

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