2 Weeks Later

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Peyton's POV

So a lot has happened in the two weeks I've been here. Two new shifters have joined the pack. A brother and sister. Leah and Seth Clearwater, whose father recently died of a heart attack. The whole pack attended the funeral as Harry Clearwater had been a tribal elder and was on the council. His wife has now taken over his roll.

I'm still in training and am still a rogue. I can only hear Sam when I shift. Honestly, it makes me feel lonely. Me and my wolf. We longed to join the pack. But that won't happen until the DNA results come back. Which should be sometime this week.

The Cullens have returned to Forks. So Sam showed me the boundary line. Because even though I am not a pack member. He didn't want me on Cullen land, encase they saw it as a violation of the treaty. Speaking of Cullens. Dr Cullen has taken over our DNA test as he knows the truth about what we are and won't ask questions about anything abnormal.

Charlie and I have been getting to know each other. We've gone fishing each weekend. He even introduced me to Bella. Who would be my cousin if Charlie is me uncle. She seems nice. A bit clumsy and soft spoken, but nice. Aside from her taste in men, I don’t get how she can be in love with a vampire. Even if he doesn't drink human blood.

Leah and I have also been bonding since she phased. Being the only female shape shifters, we sort of just bonded. Seth is like an annoying little brother. Both he and are being home schooled by his mum and Emily. Though if I am related to Sam and Charlie, both want me to go to a proper school. So I'd be enrolled at the one in La Push. Like Jacob, Embry, Jared, and Paul. But until then, I am being home schooled.

"Again," Paul says. I huff and get ready to fight again. Leah and I are sparing in wolf form. Under Paul's supervision, while Seth waits for his turn.

Leah lunges, and I dodge. Before head butting her. She snarls, swiping at me with her  claws. I jump backwards to avoid them. We begin to circle each other.

"Ok, training is over!" Sam announces as he joins us. "Lunch is ready," he states.

"But I haven't trained yet," Seth whines. As Leah and I go change in private.

"She made burgers!" Jake calls. Seth smiles and runs inside. I roll my eyes, chuckling. I shift back and get dressed. Before returning to the house and sitting beside Leah.

"You ok?" I ask her.

"I'll live," she assures me. We all dig in as Sam talked to Paul to see how our training is going. I choose to ignore them.

"How's school?" I ask Embry.

"Boring, I hate not talking to Quil," he grumbles.

"He may shift soon with the Cullens back in town," Jared states.

"Great," I mumble.

"What's wrong with you, pouty?" Paul asks.

"Lost my appetite," I state. I get up and leave the house shifting. I run to the cliff and lay down looking at the ocean. Soon, Sam joins me and lays.

'Want to tell me what's wrong?' Sam asks.

'I hate this,' I tell him. 'I hate not being in a pack. So does my wolf,' I state. 'We saw Seth and Leah join the pack. And now someone else may be  joining soon. But we are alone, and we hate it.'

'I am sorry you have to go through this,' he tells me. 'It hurts my wolf and I to see you in pain. I feel like we are cousins, and the DNA test is just a formality in our eyes,' he explains. I nuzzle him.

'We feel the same way,' I tell him.

'As soon as we get the results, you will join the pack,' he promises me. 'How about you join me on patrol tonight?' Sam suggests.

'I would love too,' I tell him. I get up and stretch. 'Race, you back?' I ask.

'You will lose,' he states. I smirk crouch. He starts the countdown. I take off on two. 'Cheater!' He scolds as he takes off after me. I laugh as I run back to Emily's. I won the race. I find clothes laid out for me. I grabbed them as Sam appeared human in shorts. I went to change.

"You're happier," Jared observes.

"Just needed to let off some steam," I state. The rest of lunch was uneventful. Seth trained afterwards with Embry. While Leah and I went for a walk.

"Still hate not being a part of the pack?" She asks.

"Yeah, but I spoke to Sam, and I am going on patrol with him tonight. We both see each other as family, along with our wolves. He assured me that as soon as the results came in, I'd join the pack." I explain.

"That's good. At least I'd no longer be the only girl in the pack," she states. We soon head back. Where she went home, and I helped Emily clean the house. Before helping her prepare dinner, she has been teaching me to cook as promised.


Picture above of Leah and her wolf. Picture in chapter of Seth and his wolf.

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