William's Arrival

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Peyton's POV

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Peyton's POV

So a lot has happened since we failed to capture Victoria. Brady phased also. Which means we've had to focus on training him and Collin this last week. While patrolling our territory. Jacob had gone to see Bella the day after she got back. Checking to see if she was still human, which she is. Apparently Edward had taken her to visit her mother in Florida for the weekend. But had not told her about Victoria.

She visited Emily's that day and knows Quil is now a part of the pack. But now about Seth, Leah, Brady or Collin. I was out with them at the time, we were teaching Brady and Collin how to control their new tempers. As well as teaching them how to kill a vampire.

Anyway, William Littlesea is supposed to return tonight. The whole pack is at Emily's. Brady and Collin are studying with Seth. We'd all just had lunch and are just chilling when we hear a car engine approaching. We all shared confused looks, we're all here. So who could it be? We hear the engine turn off and a car door open & close. Before footsteps approaching the house and a knock on the door.

Sam goes to answer it. "William!" he says surprised.

"Sam" a smooth voice says. "I'm here to take my little brother home" he states. I feel a pull to go see who it is. So I get up and start to head for the door.

"Will?" Collin asks looking at the front door.

"He is studying" Sam tells William.

"I don't care Sam, my brother is not gonna be a part of some sort of gang" the guy growls. "I've heard the rumors" he states.

"We're not a gang" Sam tells him. "Did you want to come in? You can meet my fiance" he states.

"You mean Leah's cousin? The girl you dumped your long time girlfriend for, even though you'd never meet? Honestly Sam, you used to have my honor then that" he sneers. The pack silently growl, not appreciating the tone he is using with Sam. I reach Sam and peak out behind him, to see William.

My god he is hot. Rusty tan skin, short dark curly hair, warm brown eyes and is six foot tall. He spots me and smiles. I feel my heart flutter. "Who's this?" he asks Sam.

"My cousin Peyton, Peyton my best friend William Littlesea" Sam says introducing us.

"Impossible, she's to good looking to be your cousin" William tells him. "Besides we stopped being best friends when you didn't leave town with me two years ago" he states. He then looks back at me and we lock eyes. The world fades around me and it's only him & I. I see our future together, I'd do anything to be in his life.

Suddenly he breaks into a sweat and starts to fall. I rush forward and catch him. "He's sick" I say worried as Collin rushes over.

"Will" he says concerned.

"Get him inside" Sam tells us. We do so and lay him on the couch.

"What's happening?" Brady asks.

"He's entered the first stage of phasing" Sam states.

"But he only just go here" Quil states.

"What set him off?" Embry asks.

"Me" I whisper and they all look at me. I blush and just focus on William.

"You imprinted" Leah states and I nod my head. The pack all congratulate me and Embry gives Jared some cash. I look at them confused.

"Ever since we hear William was coming back, you've thought about him constantly" Jacob tells me.

"I bet Embry that he was your imprint and he bet he wasn't"  Jared adds. I roll my eyes, typical.

"How long will it last?" I ask Sam.

"I've never seen the fever set in so quickly. Usually it's a couple of weeks, but he could phase any day" Sam states. "We saw with Leah and Seth that a sudden change is possible without the sickness" he reminds us.

"I'll call my dad and let him know the situation" Jacob states and goes to get the phone.

"Think we should get him outside?" Paul asks Sam. "The last thing we want is for to phase inside" he states. Sam nods his head and he carries William outside.

"Quil, Embry, Jared go on patrol. The rest of us will remain here until William phases" Sam tells them. They nods their heads and I turn away as they stripe. I hear them phase and leave. I turn back to face Sam and the others.

"Seth and I need to go home, we promised mum to be back in time for dinner" Leah states. Sam nods and Leah leaves with Seth. Emily comes out of the house.

"I'm going to the shops to get some more groceries" she tells Sam. She kisses him and gets into her car. Before leaving.

"Should we phase?" I ask Sam and he thinks about it. Before nodding his head. I go around the house to stripe and phase. Before returning to the front of the house. While we wait Brady and Collin decide to practice their fighting skills. And start to wrestle.

(Time skip)

William woke up and shaked like crazy. His body steaming in the cool evening air. He phases into his wolf form. He was mostly brown with a white muzzle. Dark brown ears and some dark brown spots on his paler brown body. His body is sleeker than most of male pack members and swift. Like Embry.

He looks around confused. 'What the hell?!' he thinks out loud.

'Everything is ok Will' Collin tells him as he bounds over to him.

'Collin?' William asks shocked looking at his brother. 'Why are we wolves?' he asks.

'Because we are shifters' Sam tells him stepping forward. William looks at him. 'The tribe legends are real William. Wolf shifters, imprints, vampires, the treaty with the Cullens. It's all real' he tells him.

'Sam is alpha, Jared beta and Paul third in command' I state stepping forward. 'Collin and Brady were the last to join the pack before you' I add. He stares at me in awe and I look away shyly. Thinking about how I imprinted on him earlier.

'You are my imprint' he states and I nod my head. 'Wow, how did I get so lucky?' he thinks to himself. Collin and Brady laugh. 'What?' he asks them confused.

'Being apart of the pack means everyone can hear your thoughts while in wolf form' Sam tells him.

'Great, then I should not think about kissing his cousin' William thinks to himself again. Then curses, making Brady and Collin laugh more.

'Do not worry, you get used to it' I assure him. 'Would you like a tour of the territory?' I ask him.

'Only if you give it' he tells me with a wolfy smile.

'Of course' I tell him. 'Catch me if you can' I state and take off. He growls playfully and takes off after me. I show him the boundary line, where the pack meets in wolf form for meetings and some of my favourite spots to chill in wolf form. Before we head back to Emily's. I leave Sam to tell him how to phase back, going behind the house to phase back myself. Sam invited William to stay the night as it was late and he agreed. He may have snuck into my bed room and we spent the night cuddling on my bed as we just talked all night. Getting to know each other more.


Pictures above of William Littlesea and his future wolf form. Pictures in chapter of human Collin and Brady along with their wolf forms.

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