Who is Peyton?

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This chapter is about Peyton, but you don't see her in it a lot. It's the pack trying to find out who she is and how she has the wolf gene. Before they decide if she'll join the pack or not.

Third Persons POV

"Jacob, what brings you home?" Billy asks surprised.

"We have a new situation" Jacob tells him.

"What kind of situation?" Billy asks.

"A new wolf" Jacob states.

"Quil shifted already?" Billy asks surprised.

"Not Quil, a new wolf. A she wolf" Jacob states.

"A she wolf?" Billy asks shocked.

"Yep, names Peyton. Claims her wolf guided her here, she is sixteen" Jacob explains.

"She must have Quileute blood, if her wolf guided her here" Billy states. Jacob shrugs. "What's Sam going to do?" he asks.

"Who knows?" Jacob says laying on the couch. "I know he wants to find out who she is before deciding if she should join the pack" he states. "On my way here,  Sam sent me a text. Saying the she wolf's mothers maiden name was Swan" he adds.

"Swan, as in Charlie?" Billy asks.

"Possibly, Sam said he used to have a sister who skipped town nearly 18 years ago after a fling with Sam's uncle Thomas" Jacob states.

"If she was the girls mother, it would explain her having Quileute blood. Your mother and her were close, I have some old letters around here somewhere" Billy states wheeling to his room to look. "Call Charlie and invite him over!" he calls over his shoulder. Jacob sighs and does so.

(Meanwhile at Emily's house)

"What do you think?" Sam asks as he helps Emily do the dishes while Peyton showers.

"I think it'd be a remarkable coincidence if she isn't related to you and chief Swan. Why else would she be guided here?" she asks him. "Will she join the pack?" she asks.

"If she has Quileute blood, yes. Otherwise it is up to the elders and pack if she joins" Sam states. "Either way, we can't let her leave without training. So she'll be trained whither she joins us or not" he states. Emily nods her head as they hear the shower turn off. "I'll make sure one of us is here at all times until we know who she is" he whispers. Emily nods her head.

(Black house)

"Thanks for the invite Billy" Charlie says as he enters the house.

"Anytime, how's Bella?" Billy asks.

"She's been trying to get into contact with Jacob, but no luck. Is he ok?" Charlie asks.

"Yes, he has recovered. He is just been catching up with Embry and Quil. I'm sure he'll reach out to Bella soon" Billy assures him. Even though Jacob is not supposed to see Bella for awhile yet. As he is still new to being a shifter. "Hows the hunt going?" he asks.

"Not good, haven't found any trace of them yet. There have been no more reports of sightings of them. But they couldn't of just disappeared" Charlie states. "We're trying a new area tomorrow" he adds. "So why the call?" he asks.

"Do you remember your sister?" Billy asks.

"Of course I do" Charlie states. "Why?" he asks.

"I was going through some old letters she sent to Sarah years ago. They stopped around ten years ago" Billy states.

"Ok" Charlie says unsure of where this is going.

"Do you know why she left town?" Billy asks.

"She's just turned eighteen and you know she never liked Forks. She longed to explore and see new places. It's why she and Renee got along so well, both were free spirited" Charlie states.

"That maybe a small part, but did you know she was pregnant?" Billy asks.

"What?!" Charlie exclaims.

"In the letters she talked about a baby girl, a child she had about eight months after leaving Forks" Billy states.

"Impossible, she never dated anyone and was a virgin when she left. She must of adopted the baby" Charlie tells him. Billy pulls out an old photo from his pocket and hands it to Charlie.

 Billy pulls out an old photo from his pocket and hands it to Charlie

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"Here's a photo of them" he states. "Charlie, according to the letters. The main reason she left town was because of the baby. She always locked up to you and did not want to see disappointment in your eyes. When she told you about her fling with Thomas" he explains.

"Thomas" Charlie says trying to place the name. "Thomas Uley?" he asks and Billy nods his head. "He was ten years old then her!" he snaps.

"I know, but according to the letters. It was a summer fling and they remained friends. Though he never knew about the baby" Billy states.

"Why did the letters stop?" Charlie asks.

"The last letter, said that she was coming home with the baby. It didn't say if she would stay or not. But then she never came back and there was no more letters" Billy explains.

"Why bring this up now?" Charlie asks.

"Because a sixteen year old orphaned girl arrived this morning. Claiming her mother's maiden name is Swan and that she died ten years ago" Billy states.

"I want to meet her" Charlie states. "Where is she?" he asks.

"Emily's place, but I think it best you let her settle in first" Billy tells him. "Besides, there is no proof Peyton is your niece" he adds.

"Her names Peyton?" Charlie asks.

"Yes" Billy says.

"She always wanted to name her daughter that" Charlie mutters. "I heard her and Renee discussing baby names before Bella was born. She told Renee if she ever had a daughter, she'd name it Peyton. After her favourite book, Peyton Place" he sates.

"Doesn't prove anything" Billy tells him

"A DNA test will" Charlie states.

"And if she is your niece? Charlie you live in a two bedroom house" Billy states.

"Well she won't be living on the street" Charlie tells him. "Where is she staying now?" he asks.

"At Emily's for the time being, I'm sure if she is Thomas' daughter. Sam would be happy for her to stay at Emily's and Emily would be happy for her to stay" Billy states. "How about you meet her tomorrow?" he suggests. Charlie agrees, if Peyton is his niece. He wants to see her and know she is safe & happy.


Picture above of Charlie and Billy.

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