Part 9

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(Please play the video at the end)

In the evening, Ember decided to sneak out of the shop and go to Wade's home. Wade was already waiting for her at the house.

When Ember arrived, Wade opened the door. "Ember, you made it! Did you get the address?" He asked her.

Ember nodded her head.

"You should come inside! My family just stopped by for dinner and my mother wants to meet you," Wade exclaimed with a smile.

Ember nodded again. "Okay, I'll stop by for a bit," she spoke.

The two of them went inside.

Suddenly, Wade's mother came to greet Ember. Her name was Brooke Ripple and she was Wade's mother. She lived in a penthouse "Oh, Ember!" She greeted her excitedly. "It's so good to finally meet you! Do we hug, or wave? I don't want to put you out!" She laughed.

Ember laughed too.

"Umm, a hello would be okay," she spoke.

Brooke led Wade and Ember into the main room. But Ember saw that the floor was made entirely out of water. So Wade looked around for things. He then grabbed a mat and an inflatable chair for Ember to hop onto.

"Wade, you won't believe what your baby niece did today," Brooke said to Wade. "She smiled!"

Wade started to cry. "No! she didn't!" He cried.

That's when Wade and his mother burst into floods of tears, holding each other's hands. Ember kept quiet.

Then she met the rest of the family.

"Hi everyone, meet Ember!" Wade told them all. "Hi, Ember!" The family said.

"Over here is my brother Alan and his wife Eddy," Wade told Ember.

"We've also got two kids that are swimming around here somewhere," Alan replied. "Marco! Polo!" He called out to them.

All of a sudden the two water kids popped up out of the water and immediately saw Ember and Wade. "Hi, Uncle Wade!" Said Marco.

Polo suddenly noticed that Ember was standing on a chair to protect herself from being extinguished.

"Do you die if you fall in the water?" Polo asked Ember. Marco and Polo started to shake the inflatable chair, making it wobble. Wade made them stop.

"Sorry about that!" Alan apologised. "They can be a little rough!"

Alan quickly moved Marco and Polo away from Ember before they caused a very bad disaster.

"Over there is my sister Lake and her girlfriend Ghilbli," Wade said to Ember.

Two water girls were sat on two blue chairs and they each held a glass of champagne.

Ember and Wade sat down as Lake and Ghilbi introduced themselves to Ember.

"We're just students who both go to the school for the arts, we think we'll become famous," Lake explained.

Brooke came over and placed some food on everyone's plates. "No, they just take after me," She replied. "I was an architect!" She giggled.

As everyone began to have dinner, Alan suddenly dropped a glass vase that he held in his hand. The pieces scattered everywhere.

"Alan, that was new!" Brooke sighed. Ember looked down at the broken glass. "I can fix it," she spoke. She picked up all of the glass pieces and turned the broken vase back into an unbroken vase.

Applause thundered around the room as Ember happily placed the vase on the table. It was a gorgeous, beautiful vase. It was pink with a slight purple glaze on the side of it.

"Sorry," Ember apologised. But Brooke was so impressed by Ember's talented glassmaking that she recommended an internship for Ember to go to. "It's a bit far from Element City, but you'll be okay. Wade could come with you," She replied. Wade suddenly noticed what Brooke had said to Ember. He grinned.

As everyone was eating their dinner, Wade thought that they should play the crying game after dinner. So they did.

"Ember, Wade, you're up!" Someone called out.

Ember and Wade got up and confidentially smiled at each other.

Ember stood on a pillow. Wade stood in front of her.

"This is almost unfair because I have never cried," Ember told Wade.

"Ready, go!" Wade's uncle Harold said.

The game had started. Wade began to talk. He tried his best not to cry.

"Butterfly, windshield wipers, half... a butterfly," Wade said. He started to cry but held back his tears the best he could.

Alan and Eddy began to sob, too.

When time was almost up, Wade thought of something he had never said before.

"Ember, when I met you I thought I was drowning. But that light inside you has made me feel so alive, and all I want now is to be near it. Near you. Free. Together," Wade admitted.

Ember suddenly looked at him. A tear made of lava trickled down her eyes and onto the floor and disappeared.

Wade had won the game.

Ember wiped her tears away and then a phone call came.

It was from Gale. She was going to tell Wade and Ember the news...

Was it going to be good?

Or was it going to be bad?

(Please play the video now)

(I love this movie so much!)

(Stay tuned for more)

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