Part 11

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Ember and Wade were sat in the room where Ember's mother did her readings to find out if someone was in love. In front of Ember and Wade, Ember's mother was sitting on a stool, frowning. "I splash this on you to bring love to the surface," she spoke, splashing water on Ember and Wade. Ember flinched, but Wade was alright with it because he was water as well.

Ember's mother told Ember to light the incense stick with her fire. Ember looked at the incense stick and then touched it with her finger, lighting it up. Wade suddenly noticed that he couldn't light the incense stick. But then after what seemed like minutes, he got up out of his chair and successfully made the incense stick light up.

Ember and Wade began to gaze up. Ember's mum was very confused. She sniffed the incense stick, then she gazed up as well.

All of a sudden, there was a noise. Ember gasped. It was her dad.

"Cinder? Who down there?" He called to Cinder, Ember's mother.

Ember suddenly noticed her father was about to be coming down the stairs, so she quickly hurried Wade out of the shop.

"Wait, are we a match?" Wade asked quickly. Ember hurriedly shut the door, but Wade was still there. The door slammed his hand, making Wade scream in pain. "Aaaaaaaarrrrgghhh!!" He yelped.

"It was just... us checking the locks..." Ember answered, plastering a huge fake grin on her face. "And then mum came down and- "Yes, and..." Cinder interrupted. "We... um... began looking at this door."

Cinder began to walk over to the front door. "We don't talk about this door very much." She sighed.

"Pull it together!" Ember whispered to Cinder angrily.

About a minute later, Ember's father announced that he was retiring in two days.

A few minutes after that, Ember's mum and Ember's dad walked away from Ember. Ember glanced over at the picture of Wade on the wall that read:


Then she sat down on the floor. She turned the new shop sign lights on and off, then she began to cry quietly. Ember had now realized that her dream wasn't to take over the shop. Her true dream was that she wanted to do glassmaking. But how could she do that as she was meant to be the owner of a shop two days after her father retired?

Ember decided to go to Wade's home and give him back the glass orb she had made during the time they were on the beach earlier in the week.

Could Ember's heart be broken? Not by Wade, but by her family?

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