Chapter one

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     Izuku, the rogue omega, had a really tough life. He lived in a small, dark room with cold, hard floors. His ankles were always locked in cuffs, and he had to wear a muzzle over his face. He couldn't remember how he ended up there or where he was before. All he knew was that one day, when he was much younger, he woke up in that gloomy place.

The room was always dim, with just a tiny window high up on the wall that let in a bit of light every now and then. It was hard for him to piece together his past because his memories were like jumbled puzzle pieces.

To everyone he met, he wasn't Izuku anymore; they just called him a "dog." It was like he lost his name and his identity along with his freedom.

A loud metallic clank was heard, the cell door swung open, its heavy hinges protesting against the movement. The action was swift, as the door revealed a tall man, who stepped inside, carefully balancing a plate of food. His footsteps were measured, a hushed shuffle on the cold, concrete floor. As he approached, the aroma of the meal wafted through the room, filling the air with a tantalizing scent.

It's him again... thought the chained-up boy as he peered at the man dressed in a sleek, elegant suit with a meticulously knotted tie. The man carefully knelt down and placed the plate on the ground in front of the boy. With a practiced touch, he reached for the muzzle.

It was a peculiar sight, considering how anyone who attempts to remove the omega's muzzle would usually result in chaos and aggression, yet this man seemed to have an uncanny ability to do so without risking harm.

"There you go... that must have been bothering you, wasn't it?" the man chuckled.

Izuku, though momentarily confused by the man's words, paid little attention, his gaze fixed on the plate before him.

The older man noticed Izuku's lack of response and frowned slightly. "Well then, you can eat now," he said calmly, gesturing towards the plate.

Without a moment's hesitation, the omega lunged at the plate, devouring everything with remarkable speed. The older man patiently waited for him to finish

The omega finished his meal, but his stomach still rumbled with hunger. He longed for more, but he couldn't find the words to ask for it, so he silently endured his empty belly.

The older man set aside his plate and then gently replaced the muzzle on the omega's face. "They're going to come and start your training," he said, his voice tinged with sympathy.

At the mention of 'training,' the omega couldn't help but emit a low growl. He knew all too well what that word meant in this place: a barrage of painful beatings until he surrendered. But Izuku possessed a fierce determination within him. He'd rather face death than submit to those vile Alphas who had subjected him to such a miserable existence.

But to his luck, since he's a rogue omega, they won't kill him because rogue omegas are a rare find, especially male ones, and they're highly demanded in the black market, even more than regular omegas. Rogue omegas can fetch a huge fortune, making selling him a more profitable choice than keeping him around. However, nobody has a use for a disobedient, feral, and aggressive mouthy omega. Why would they? That's precisely why Izuku found himself undergoing this training.

The older man got up with the plate and went to the cell door, "I'll come back later.." he said before leaving the poor omega all alone again.

His training wont begin for a while so he decided to rest a bit





"Wake up, you damn dog!" came the harsh command, and Izuku's eyes snapped open, pain radiating from his abdomen where a brutal kick had landed. A low whimper escaped his lips at first, but it swiftly morphed into a defiant snarl.

As his vision cleared, he took in the familiar faces of his "trainers". There was the tall Alpha with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair, a name he had heard a couple of times before, Dabi, if he remembered it correctly. And then there was the other Alpha, slightly shorter than Dabi, his neck covered by scratch marks and rashes. His dishevelled, ash-blue hair covered most of his features, but Izuku knew him all too well – Shigaraki. The mere sight of him sent shivers of hatred down Izuku's spine; he despised Shigaraki more than anyone else.

But something was different this time. As he glanced to his side, he noticed the presence of another person, someone unfamiliar. The uncertainty of this new variable added an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

The rogue omega's glare remained fixed on the new arrival, an unremarkable Alpha by all accounts—average height, plain brown hair, and an air of boring normality that made him seem almost forgettable.

Shigaraki's command hung heavily in the air, setting the stage for a chilling exchange. "Go on now," he instructed the newcomer, his tone dripping with menace. "If you manage to take off his muzzle, he's all yours."

The plain-looking Alpha couldn't hide his eager anticipation, a lustful smirk forming on his face. "Oh, please, that's a piece of cake," he chuckled confidently.

Closing the distance, the Alpha approached the rogue omega, crouching down to his level. Izuku's body tensed, and he couldn't help but despise how close this Alpha was getting. His canines were bared, and a deep growl emanated from his throat. In addition to his menacing growl, he released pheromones that were a clear warning—do not get any closer.

The plain-looking Alpha, although feeling nervous, chose to disregard the omega's threats.

Slowly and cautiously, he removed the muzzle and set it aside. Pride swelled within him as he turned to the other two Alphas behind him. "See? That was really eas–" he began, but his words were abruptly cut short.

A searing, burning pain exploded in his throat as the rogue omega clamped down on him with a viciousness that sent shockwaves of agony through his body. The room filled with the Alpha's anguished scream as he desperately attempted to free himself, but the omega refused to budge. Instead, he growled menacingly and bit down even harder.

When the rogue omega deemed that the Alpha had suffered enough, he tore out a gruesome chunk of flesh and spat it out. The brunette Alpha was left choking on his own blood, causing him to die.

"Tsk, seems like you need more training, dog." Shigaraki's voice dripped with cruelty as he fixed a chilling gaze upon the rogue omega. In his grip, he held a menacing metal baton, a symbol of the suffering to come.

Izuku braced himself mentally, knowing that what lay ahead would be agonizing.

This is gonna hurt. Izuku thought grimly  knowing that the impending suffering would test his endurance to its limits.

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・ 

1142 Words.

HELLO THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC! i hope you enjoyed this first chapter

i dont have a proper schedule sooo.. uploads are random IM SORRY

please tell me your thoughts about this and if theres anything that i need to work on thank youu <33

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