Chapter six

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In the quiet halls of the castle, Katsuki walked briskly into the infirmary. The door creaked open, the subtle scent of antiseptic and medicinal herbs immediately enveloping him. Chiyo, the elderly beta nurse, looked up from her desk, her kind eyes filled with concern.

"Oh dear, what is it now, Katsuki?" she sighed, beckoning him to approach.

Without a word, Katsuki extended his injured hand, showing Chiyo the bite mark staining his skin crimson. The nurse nodded with understanding, her experienced hands moving with efficiency. She gestured for him to sit, fetching the necessary supplies from the well-organized cabinets lining the walls.

Chiyo gently applied the soothing medicinal balm to his wound, she couldn't help but inquire, her voice laced with both curiosity and worry, "How did this happen, dear?"

Katsuki winced as Chiyo gently applied the antiseptic to his wound. "I was trying to remove his muzzle," he explained, his voice surprisingly soft for someone of his demeanour. "I guess he didn't like that too much."

Chiyo's eyes softened with understanding as she gently wrapped his hand in a bandage. "Rogue omegas can be quite unpredictable, especially if they've been through a lot," she said, her tone soothing. "You need to be patient and understanding, my dear. They've often faced harsh circumstances, and trust doesn't come easily."

Katsuki grunted in response, his frustration evident. "I know, I know," he muttered, feeling a mixture of annoyance and guilt. "But it's not like I can just magically make him trust me overnight."

Chiyo patted his hand gently. "No, you can't," she agreed, her tone reassuring. "But you can show him kindness, respect his boundaries, and let him see that not all alphas are like the ones he might have encountered before."

"Poor thing. It must be hard for him to adjust, especially if he's been mistreated. But remember, Katsuki, trust is earned, especially with those who have been hurt before." Chiyo's expression softened

Katsuki nodded, the old woman's wisdom sinking in. He hadn't considered it from Izuku's perspective. Maybe his distrust wasn't solely about defiance but a defense mechanism.

He knew he had a long way to go in understanding the complexities of dealing with a rogue omega, but he was determined to try.

Chiyo, the wise old beta nurse, gently insisted, "You should bring the omega here for a checkup. Tomorrow morning would be suitable. We can make sure he's in good health." She tidied up, placing the medical supplies back in their proper places, her movements precise and practiced. Her concern for the young prince and the omega he had acquired was evident in her demeanor.

Katsuki, though gruff as always, eventually relented. "Yeah, fine, tomorrow morning," he muttered, his impatience lingering. However, as he prepared to leave, he offered an uncharacteristic softer note, saying, "Thanks, old hag," acknowledging her care in his own peculiar way before leaving the infirmary.

He made his way back to his chamber. As he entered, he couldn't help but notice the sight that awaited him. There, on the soft and inviting bed, lay Izuku, deep in slumber. A small, almost unnoticeable smile tugged at the corner of Katsuki's lips as he watched the omega rest peacefully.

Deciding not to disturb Izuku, Katsuki moved to his desk, a mountain of paperwork awaiting his attention. Hours passed, the room illuminated only by the soft glow of a desk lamp. Katsuki worked diligently, his mind focused despite the exhaustion creeping in.

Eventually, the weariness caught up with him. Papers scattered across the desk, his head resting on his arms. The room fell into a quiet hush as Katsuki succumbed to sleep, the day's events and his responsibilities fading into the background, at least for a few hours.

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