Chapter four

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It was a bright early morning. The market was noisy and crowded. People were talking loudly and trying to make deals. Some were selling omegas and slaves, while others offered various items like weapons and strange things. Everyone was busy talking and trying to buy or sell.

Izuku found himself confined within a tiny cage that allowed no room for comfort. It was a cramped space, designed to accommodate only a single person, leaving no room for him to stand or stretch out. His hands were bound tightly behind his back with handcuffs, restricting any movement. A heavy chain ran from his neck, keeping him anchored to the cage. His muzzle felt unusually weighty, making it difficult for him to even turn his head to survey his surroundings.

Many individuals of different backgrounds showed interest in the rogue omega, drawn by his beauty. However, as they approached him, they were met with a fierce display of aggression. The omega bared his teeth and emitted threatening snarls, warding off anyone who dared to get too close.

The displeasure of the potential buyers infuriated Shigaraki. Frustrated and angry, he approached the cage and reached in to grab a fistful of Izuku's hair, getting a startled yelp from the omega. "Listen here, you little shit," he began, his voice brimming with anger. "If you don't fucking behave, I swear I'll-"

"Shigaraki!" a man's voice rang out, prompting Shigaraki to release his hold on the rogue omega. He turned to face the newcomer, clearly annoyed. "Tch, you're late, Garaki," he grumbled.

Garaki, an elderly beta who served Shigaraki, chuckled nervously in response. "Aha, sorry, sorry. I was caught up with something," he explained, his demeanor uneasy.

Izuku, observing from the cage, couldn't help but be curious about the old beta. Garaki had an unsettling appearance, with long, unkempt white hair and a thick beard. Questions raced through Izuku's mind, who was this guy? Why was he here? What were they talking about?

"Anyways, let's get started, shall we?" The old beta said as he moved to the front, capturing the attention of the people gathered around. "Attention, everyone! We welcome you to participate in today's auction!" he shouted, and a crowd slowly began to form, curious about what was happening.

"Today, we have one of the rarest subgenders of all-a male rogue omega!" Garaki yelled out as he patted the cage, displaying the omega to the audience. This announcement caused an even larger crowd to gather.

"But, folks, don't let his beauty fool you! This rogue omega is a feisty one, so only the toughest can handle him!" he added, emphasizing the omega's challenging nature. "Now, the bidding starts at 500 thousand!" Garaki exclaimed, setting the minimum bid for the rogue omega.




Meanwhile, a blonde alpha wearing a cloak with the hood on was wandering through the market, accompanied by his personal guard. "My prince, are you sure it has to be this place?" The guard, who had spiky red hair, asked.

"Oh, quit whining, Shitty Hair, and don't call me prince here!" the alpha retorted.

"Oops, my bad, sorry, Bakugou," Kirishima, the red-haired guard, chuckled. He expected Bakugou to insult him more, but instead, he noticed that the blonde alpha was looking in a different direction.

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