Chapter seven

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Izuku's checkup went better than expected. Despite some minor injuries, they were manageable with the help of medicine. Katsuki was relieved to see that Izuku was in relatively good health, all things considered.

As they walked together, Katsuki noticed that the omega's attention was fixated on something. He followed Izuku's gaze and realized that the omega was looking out the window at the castle's garden. Katsuki halted abruptly, causing Izuku to bump into him and let out a quiet 'oof' before stumbling backwards. Izuku braced himself for the impact of the ground, but instead, he felt a secure, firm grip around his waist.

"Careful.." Katsuki mumbled, his voice gentle.

The unexpected warmth of Katsuki's touch and the concern in his eyes stirred a complex mix of emotions within Izuku. His cheeks tinted a subtle shade of red, a reaction that didn't go unnoticed by the alpha. Katsuki couldn't help but smirk, a sense of pride swelling within him. He enjoyed having this effect on the omega. With a gentle tone, Katsuki asked, "You want to see the garden?"

"Gar...den...?" Izuku softly repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. The surprise in his eyes was evident, a glimmer of curiosity and anticipation peeking through the layers of hesitancy.

This simple response caught Katsuki by surprise, and he couldn't help but smile gently as his expression softened. "Yes, garden," he affirmed, pointing outside to make Izuku understand. "C'mon, I'll take you there." With that, the alpha gently yet firmly held Izuku's hand, his touch surprisingly gentle, and guided him toward the garden entrance.

It was unlike anything Izuku had ever seen; his eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. The garden stretched vastly, adorned with a vibrant array of flowers and trees. A gentle stream meandered through, a mini bridge arching over its sparkling waters. A cool breeze wafted, carrying with it the enchanting scent of flowers and nature.

He glanced at Katsuki, seeking approval to explore the garden. The alpha simply chuckled, his grip firm and reassuring as he guided Izuku to a patch of blooming flowers. With care, Katsuki sat him down amidst the vibrant colours. Then, he plucked a daisy, its petals soft and delicate, and brought it to his nose, inhaling its fragrance before passing it to Izuku.

Izuku's fingers brushed against the petals, his eyes lighting up with wonder as he smelled the flower. Katsuki watched him, a soft smile gracing his features.

Katsuki's keen senses detected the subtle scent of happy omegan pheromones, a delicate fragrance that hung in the air. To most, it might have gone unnoticed, but Katsuki's heightened senses allowed him to pick up on it swiftly. The scent was intoxicating, reminiscent of pine wood and soft mint green tea, something one might encounter in a snowy forest.

The alpha's eyes flickered toward Izuku, realizing that the contented scent enveloping them came directly from the omega beside him. A sense of pride washed over Katsuki. The knowledge that he had managed to evoke happiness, even in the slightest measure, in someone who had endured so much pain, filled him with a strange warmth. It was a small victory, but an important one. In that moment, he resolved to continue creating moments like this for Izuku, determined to be a source of comfort and happiness for the omega, in a world that had shown him little kindness.

They spent a few peaceful hours in the garden, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. Days passed and Izuku grew gradually more at ease with Katsuki. In these moments, the omega found himself relaxing, his guard slowly lowering in the alpha's presence. Of course, there were occasional instances when Izuku would instinctively lash out, a response born from years of mistreatment. However, Katsuki handled these situations with remarkable patience and care, gently soothing the omega's frayed nerves.

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