Chapter eight

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the courtyard of the castle. The sound of clashing wooden swords filled the air as Izuku stood on the side, observing Katsuki engaged in his version of training. It had taken a lot of courage for Izuku to come and watch, but he was glad he did.

Mesmerized by Katsuki's swift movements, Izuku watched as the alpha effortlessly moved with ease. Each step was precise and measured, showcasing a combination of agility and strength with every swing. The courtyard became a stage where Katsuki's prowess unfolded, a display of skill that captivated Izuku's attention.

Of course, Katsuki's opponent, Kirishima, was great as well, but in Izuku's eyes, no one could compete with Katsuki. He stared in awe at the blonde alpha, feeling a giddy excitement bubbling within him. Witnessing Katsuki move so smoothly made him eager to try it himself.

"Kacchan," he softly called out, and though Izuku's voice was hushed, Katsuki heard him loud and clear. Turning to look at Izuku, Katsuki's attention momentarily shifted. Seizing the opportunity, Kirishima struck, but to his disappointment, the blonde alpha effortlessly dodged it, glaring at the redhead, who pouted in response. "Damnit thought I had you."

"You fucking wish, dipshit," the blonde alpha barked at the redhead before making his way to the spectating omega. Izuku opened his mouth to speak, "I want to-" but he was cut off by Katsuki, who immediately knew what the omega wanted. "You want to try?"

Izuku nodded, his gaze fixed on the wooden sword in his hand. Katsuki chuckled and patted the omega who looked like an excited puppy, eagerly waiting for a treat.

"Sure, you can try," Katsuki said with a gentle voice. Kirishima, who had just witnessed the blond alpha's unexpected behavior, had his jaw hanging open.

Having served Katsuki for a decade, Kirishima had never once seen the crowned prince act like this with anyone. "Oi! Shitty hair, go do something else or whatever," Katsuki commanded, dismissing his loyal guard for the moment as he focused back on Izuku.

He handed Izuku the wooden sword, immediately noticing that Izuku wasn't holding it properly. He took a moment to adjust the omega's grip on the wooden sword, guiding his fingers to find the right balance. "Hold it firm but not too tight. You want control, not tension. The sword should feel like a natural part of your hand."

The greenette nodded, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and concentration. The weight of the wooden sword felt unfamiliar, but he trusted the alpha's guidance.

"Now, your stance is important," Katsuki continued, taking the time to position Izuku's feet and shoulders. "Widen your stance a bit for stability. Imagine a straight line from your shoulder to your toes. This is your foundation. Always face your opponent squarely."

Izuku tried to mimic the stance, adjusting his feet under the watchful eye of the alpha. "Good, very good," Katsuki praised, making Izuku's heart skip a beat. "Now, let's talk about the skill of dodging and striking."

With deliberate movements, Katsuki demonstrated the proper techniques, showcasing the fluidity of the sword's motion. Izuku observed with excitement and awe, absorbing every piece of knowledge the alpha had to offer.

"Now, try to replicate what I just showed you," Katsuki encouraged.

Izuku tentatively mirrored the alpha's movements, stumbling at first but gradually finding his rhythm. Katsuki offered some corrections here and there, his eyes reflecting a mix of patience and pride.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, the alpha felt a sense of pride and joy at his omega's quick improvements and how smart and strategic he was despite his lack of vocabulary.

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