Chapter two

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Izuku was currently lying down, on the verge of passing out, enduring the harshest training he'd ever faced. His physical condition clearly reflected the harsh brutality, marked by cuts, bruises, and burns. Each movement sent waves of agony through him, rendering him immobile. Though, as always, he'd find comfort in lying still, waiting for the pain to subside.

It hurts, he thought, whimpering softly to himself. But he silenced himself upon hearing approaching footsteps near his cell. Showing weakness was not an option; he had to remain strong, otherwise they'd take advantage of him.

The cell door swung open once more, and the tall man in elegant clothing entered, not bearing food this time, but instead carrying a cloth and a bowl containing an unknown substance. He knelt down beside the omega and gently placed the items to the side.

"Oh dear, look at you," his voice was filled with pity as he dipped the cloth into the bowl, carefully wringing out any excess liquid. "Why don't you just listen to them?" he began, his tone gentle. "If you did, they'll sell you off, and you'd have a better chance of surviving," he suggested as he brought the cloth closer to the omega's injuries.

The rogue omega growled in response to the man's actions, but the older male reassured him, "It's alright; it's just water and some medicine." He spoke calmly, adding, "You should know this by now." The omega's growls ceased as he realized the man meant no harm.

The older man continued cleaning the omega's wounds, remarking, "I've been helping you for years now, and you still don't trust me," with a chuckle. He looked at the omega with a pitiful smile and said, "You may not look like a dog, but you sure act like one."

The man's smile waned as he continued to tend to the boy's wounds, a deep sense of guilt weighing on his heart. He whispered softly to himself, "I'm so sorry, Izuku."

The omega heard the man's words and gazed at him with curiosity. What's he saying? he thought, his mind a jumble of confusion. I... Izu... ku? Izuku? What's that?

The man noticed the omega's inquisitive expression. "Oh? Did that catch your attention?" he said with a gentle smile. He pointed to himself and said, "Kurogiri," then pointed at the omega, "Izuku."

The omega slowly sat up, fixing his gaze on the man before him, his head tilting slightly in confusion. Kurogiri chuckled softly and repeated his earlier gesture, pointing at himself and saying, "Ku-ro-gi-ri" slowly, trying to make it easier for the omega to understand.

The omega remained silent for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration. Then, he tentatively spoke, "" The man, known as Kurogiri, felt a rush of happiness and excitement.

"It's alright; you can say Kuro if Kurogiri is too hard," Kurogiri reassured him, a warm smile on his face. Encouraged by this, Kurogiri pointed at the omega and said, "I-zu-ku," hoping the omega would give it a try as well.

"I... zu... ku...?" The omega repeated slowly, struggling to grasp the new name. "Yes! That's your name, Izuku," Kurogiri beamed with joy.

Izuku glanced at Kurogiri, perplexed by the man's happiness. Why's he happy? I just copied what he said... he pondered, sighing in response to the man's peculiar behaviour. He then laid back down, facing away from Kurogiri.

Kurogiri paid no mind to the omega's actions and continued his careful work of cleansing Izuku's wounds.

After finishing his task, Kurogiri made the decision not to put the muzzle back on Izuku, offering the omega a break from its constriction. With that, he left Izuku alone in his cell.

For Izuku, being alone was something he liked. It offered him a break from the chaos and exhaustion of his daily life. During these moments, he often found himself engaged in everyday activities: gazing out of the tiny window high above, or idly scratching at the walls and floors for hours on end.

In short, today was just another boring day in his existence.




Meanwhile, Kurogiri stood behind a bar, expertly pouring a drink for Shigaraki. The setting was surprisingly upscale, with dim lighting casting an orange glow reminiscent of a 1970s-era bar.

Shigaraki accepted the drink and downed it in one gulp, his frustration evident. "Ugh, that damn omega doesn't know when to give up," he grumbled, Speaking with contempt, he spat out his words. A chuckle emanated from behind him, causing Shigaraki to turn around, his anger intensifying.

Dabi occupied a table, engaged in a game of chess with a Beta girl named Toga. Her hair was dishevelled, adorned with messy buns on either side of her head, and her striking golden eyes held a hint of madness. Frowning, she watched as Dabi consistently outmaneuvered her on the chessboard.

"What," Shigaraki hissed, his voice laced with venom, "Why don't we just get rid of him? He's been such a huge pain in the ass," Dabi suggested, his tone devoid of emotion.

Toga, on the other hand, protested, "What! But I like him~ he's so cute when he's covered in blood," she whined, revealing her rather unsettling fondness for the omega.

"Who the fuck would want a crazy rogue omega?" Shigaraki remarked, clearly uninterested.

Dabi shrugged, his indifference evident. "Eh, there are people with weird kinks nowadays," he replied casually. "And besides, his looks alone would fetch us more money than any other omega, rogue or not." he added, emphasising the potential profit.

In truth, Dabi had grown weary of dealing with the rogue omega. The constant need to clean up after him proved exhausting and costly, making him consider the benefits of selling Izuku for their own gain.

Shigaraki took a moment to contemplate Dabi's words. It was hard to deny the truth in them. Izuku was undeniably the most beautiful omega they had ever encountered in all their years of participating in this grim business. In fact, his value might surpass that of the average rogue omega by a significant margin.

"Alright then," Shigaraki began, a sinister smirk playing on his lips as he contemplated the wealth Izuku might bring him. However, he couldn't help but acknowledge that he'd miss the sadistic pleasure of beating the omega.

"Today is your last chance to have fun with him," he informed the Alpha and Beta, his tone firm. "Do whatever you want, but don't tear off his limbs, and I don't want to see a scratch on his face, got it?" His instructions were clear and stern.

"Roger that, boss," Dabi acknowledged as he rose to make his way to the cells.

"Can I cut his body up though?" Toga inquired, seeking clarification.

Shigaraki growled in frustration, clearly irritated by Toga's idiotic question. "I don't fucking care; just leave his face untouched and his limbs intact. You know I hate repeating myself," he grumbled, his patience wearing thin. With a mischievous giggle, Toga followed Dabi.

Turning back to the bar, Shigaraki addressed Kurogiri, who had been silently observing. "Kurogiri," he called out. "Yes, young master?" Kurogiri replied.

"Pour me another glass," the blue-haired Alpha requested, sliding his empty glass toward the taller man.




.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・

1165 Words.

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