Chapter nine

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Katsuki's loud stomps echoed throughout the hallway, a manifestation of his anger and frustration. Who did that old man think he was, demanding him to give Izuku back as if it were a simple choice? The alpha dragged Izuku back to his chambers, slamming the door shut behind them. He was so consumed by his rage that he didn't even realize how much dominant pheromones he was releasing, an unspoken declaration of his distress.

Ugh! What the hell?! Why would that shitty-ass old man even say that?! Katsuki was fuming.


I'll show him! I'll deal with those bastards and make sure all this shitty omega trafficking thing stops!


Fucking Deku won't go anywhere. He'll stay here!


"What?!" Katsuki growled, baring his teeth, ready to lash out. However, the air shifted. The intoxicating scent of pine wood and green tea filled his nostrils, a surprising wave of calmness washing over him... Wait, was Izuku releasing soothing pheromones to comfort him?

Katsuki felt his shoulders relax a bit, unaware of how tense they were in the first place. He then realized that Izuku had wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug while releasing more pheromones to soothe the angered alpha.

Katsuki hesitantly wrapped his arms around the omega's waist, pulling him closer while nuzzling Izuku's scent glands. They stayed in each other's embrace, basking in the comforting silence. Katsuki took a deep breath of Izuku's pheromones and softly spoke,"I won't send you back, Izuku."

"I know, Kacchan... I trust you," Izuku said genuinely, he was caught by surprise when a low rumble emanated from his chest, turning into a loud purr. Katsuki, too, was stunned by this. Omegas only purred when they felt safe or with someone they trust.

Feeling a surge of pride, Katsuki stared at Izuku in awe. The omega let go of Katsuki, looked down at himself, and placed his hands on his chest, feeling the rumble. "Eh? What is this? I can't stop it...?" Izuku said in confusion.

Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hands and bent down, resting his head on the omega's chest. Izuku's face turned red at the alpha's sudden actions. "Kacchan! What are you..."

"Don't stop it," Katsuki interrupted. His omega had been through hell and was now feeling safe for probably the first time. Of course the alpha wouldn't want him to stop purring.




Izuku was now sitting on the bed with Katsuki's head on his lap, his once loud purring had gotten quieter but not silent. Katsuki had his eyes closed, he wasn't sleeping, just enjoying the sound of Izuku's purrs. Not only that, but he was also relishing how Izuku would play with his hair.

Katsuki let out a soft sigh, all his anger and frustration long gone. He was enjoying the peace and quiet, basking in the omega's presence. There was nowhere else Katsuki would rather be than here with Izuku.

"Deku," Katsuki called to the omega in a calm manner.

"Yes, Kacchan?" Izuku replied, looking down at the alpha.

Katsuki opened his eyes and stared at Izuku, caught in a trance. Izuku's eyes always seemed to catch Katsuki's attention-the dark green gems that gleamed brightly under the sun. His untamable curly hair was soft to the touch, and freckles scattered on his face in all the right places. That curious look on his face made Katsuki think, Shit, he looks like an innocent puppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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