Chapter five

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Katsuki, Kirishima, and Izuku made their way through the bustling market. Izuku was still being carried over Katsuki's shoulder, his hands tied, and his movements restricted. The omega kept his eyes down, avoiding the curious glances of the people around him. Kirishima kept a close watch, ensuring no one got too close to the prince's new acquisition.

As they walked, Katsuki couldn't help but notice how tense Izuku was. The omega's muscles were rigid, and he seemed ready to bolt at any moment. Katsuki tightened his grip on Izuku, offering both a sense of security and a subtle warning not to try anything.

They finally reached the end of the bustling market, where the noises of bargains and conversations gradually faded into the distance. Kirishima let out a sigh, still processing Katsuki's recent actions. He excused himself, promising to retrieve the carriage. After a few minutes, Kirishima returned with the carriage, its wheels creaking slightly as it came to a halt. Katsuki, with surprising gentleness, opened the carriage door and carefully placed the omega onto the seat before taking his own place across from him.

The journey back was marked by a long, awkward silence, punctuated only by the occasional sound of the carriage wheels hitting uneven terrain. Izuku started to feel increasingly uncomfortable beneath the intense gaze of the alpha sitting across from him. The alpha's scrutiny was noticeable, making Izuku's skin prickle with unease.

Finally, Katsuki broke the silence, addressing Izuku with a curt "Oi, omega." Startled, Izuku turned his gaze to meet Katsuki's intense crimson eyes.

"What's your name?" Katsuki inquired, his voice unexpectedly softening. However, Izuku remained silent, confusion clear in his eyes, unsure of how to respond in this unfamiliar situation. Katsuki arched an eyebrow at the omega. "Do you not have a name?" he asked, still met with silence. He couldn't help but voice his disbelief, adding, "Do you even understand what I'm saying?"

Izuku stared back at Katsuki, his eyes reflecting both confusion and uncertainty. The language barrier between them was apparent, making communication difficult. Katsuki sighed, realizing the situation he was dealing with.

"Fine, we'll figure this out later," he muttered to himself, frustrated by the lack of response.

The rest of the carriage ride was spent in silence. Izuku kept his eyes on the floor, avoiding Katsuki's intense gaze.

After the long, uneasy ride, they finally arrived at the entrance of the castle. With a gentle yet firm hand, Katsuki helped Izuku out of the carriage, guiding him with surprising care considering his earlier aggression. Katsuki was on the verge of saying something to Izuku, perhaps attempting to break the tension hanging between them, but his words got swallowed by the sudden eruption of a loud, angry yell.

"KATSUKI!" The voice, sharp as a whip, belonged to an irritated woman who appeared to be his mother. She bore a striking resemblance to Katsuki, just a bit shorter and with longer hair. Her fury was clear as she swiftly approached, her hand connecting with the back of Katsuki's head in a resounding smack, and she pinched his ear with a grip that spoke of years of practiced parental discipline.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO GO AND SPEND 5 MILLION? 5 FUCKING MILLION, YOU BRAT!" she scolded, her words laced with a mix of rage and disbelief. Katsuki, momentarily stunned by the force of her wrath, quickly regained his composure. "FUCK! YOU OLD HAG, LET GO!" he yelled back, attempting to free himself from her grip, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and defiance. The scene unfolded in front of Izuku, his eyes wide with surprise, taking in this unexpected family drama.

Meanwhile, Kirishima attempted to quietly slip away from the queen's notice, hoping to avoid her impending anger. Unfortunately for him, his efforts at stealth were in vain.

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