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As we left off, (YN) has know much about the Lichette's past. Not only did she escaped for the first time due of mind controlling Prince Gumball to set her free, but the second time too, and she is still out there, don't know where, but she's roaming still. With that said, (YN) keep on hunting down the Lichette. So, he exited the castle and makes his way to wherever he's going. As he leaves, Fionna and Cake exited the castle as well and notice (YN) heading on his way.

Fionna: Man, must be rough for him.

Cake: Basically loosing everything he had...yea. I can see he went through much. I wish him the best though. Anyways, let's head home, don't wanna make BMO worried.

As Cake walks, she stops and notices Fionna not following as she was still looking at (YN) leaving...

Cake: Fionna??

Fionna: ...I gotta talk to him.

Cake: Say Wha??

Fionna. I gotta talk to him.

Cake: What for??

Fionna: Maybe he needs a hand, you know? Track down the Lichette? I mean he can't find her all by himself, but if I can help him, we can both easily find her and end her for good.

Cake: Or you just like him.

Fionna: I-Wait what!!! *blushing*

Cake: Oooou I knew it! The soon you acted weird and lay your eyes on him, I knew you like him already!

Fionna: Whaaaaaat!! Pssssh!! No way, I barely know the guy! Why would I like him already??

Cake: Honey, I can see it already.

Fionna: I don't like him! I just barely know him, okay?? I just want to help him, that's all...nothing else.

Cake: Suuuuure.

Fionna: Mmmm!!! Just get us to him, please?

Cake: Alrighty then.

Cake turns big as Fionna hops on top of her and Cake running down over to (YN), leaps over and lands in front of him and startling (YN) as he was seconds of wielding his sword out.

Fionna: Woah Woah!! Cool it, it's just us!

(YN): Don' that.!

Fionna: Sorry...

(YN): Mmm, what is it you want?

Fionna gets off and Cake going back to her regular size...

Fionna: I wanted to talk to you.

(YN): About?

Fionna: The Lichette.

Cake: That's not the only thing she wants to talk about-

Fionna: Cake!

(YN): What??

Fionna: N-Nothing! Anyways...about the Lichette. Since me and Cake encountered it as well, and is out there still, maybe me and Cake can help you Track the Lichette. Maybe can use a hand and-

(YN): No thank you.

Fionna: Wha???

(YN): Look, I appreciated and all, but I'm doing this solo. This is between me and the Lichette. Sorry.

(YN) walks past them..

Fionna: Hey wait! Do you even know where the Lichette is???

(YN): No, that's why I'm hunting it down. I'll find her sooner or later.

Adventure Time: My one and only (Fionna x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now