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A month has pass now, we take a look at the fire kingdom, a state was ruled by Queen, but now is ruled by Flame Prince and home to most of the Fire Elementals of Ooo. It is entirely composed of volcanoes and seas of lava. Its monarchy reside in the Fire Palace. In the palace, Flame Prince was in his room as he finished with his duties, and to seem like he isn't himself lately, as if he's been having some thoughts about himself...or to say some thoughts about his relationship and break up with Fionna. Suddenly, his servant guard, or we say his new GF, Cinnamon Bun enters his room.

(NOTE: This version of Cinnamon Bun is the female version obviously, just letting you all know, don't get it twisted)

Cinnamon Bun: Your majesty...

Flame Prince: O-Oh. Hey CB, what is it?

Cinnamon Bun: Hate to interrupt your time, but...there is someone looking for you.

Flame Prince: Who??

Cinnamon Bun: ....

Flame Prince: ...Ugh, don't tell me.

Cinnamon Bun: Sorry, but I just don't know how to tell her off.

Flame Prince: It's fine CB, just...let her in.

Cinnamon Bun: As you wish.

CB leaves the room, and to let the guest enter Flame Prince's room...and was none other than his mother, Flame Queen.

Flame Queen: Ahh, there she is, my sweetie little angel.

Flame Prince: Not gonna work mom.

Flame Queen: Oh? But what do you mean sweetie? Can't your mother pay a little visit to her own son?

Flame Prince: ...What do you want?

Flame Queen: What do I want?? Oho, no no no honey, I don't want anything at all from you.

Flame Prince: You're lying, I can see it already through your smug look face.

Flame Queen: *sighs* Alright look, I'll cut to the chase here then darling, how about you be a nice sweet boy, and give me back the throne and make me Queen again-

Flame Prince: How many times is this going to happen mom, not gonna happen, ever!

Flame Queen: Now you listen here mister! You and I both know that I run this kingdom better than you do!

Flame Prince: Oh?! Really?! Well, tell me this "MOM", how could someone like you Can run this kingdom when you LITERALLY brainwash my people and turn them agains me?! against your own son!

Flame Queen: I-

Flame Prince: And not just that! You literally hired some strange lady name "Joan Dan", to force me to marry her, which I don't even know her and is so hella weird to even marry someone I don't even know!

Flame Queen: Don't turn this one on me! I was doing You a favor!

Flame Prince: Tch, More like being a hag!

Flame Queen: Excuse me young man??!!

Flame Prince: You heard me! So how about you do me this one big favor, and get out of my room!

Flame Queen: Nrrrgh!!! Why you-

Cinnamon Bun: Ahem!

Cinnamon Bun enters the room...

Cinnamon Bun: Is there a problem here??

Flame Prince: ...No, it at all, right "Mother".

Flame Queen: ...Not at all.

Adventure Time: My one and only (Fionna x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now