Chp.16 Billie The Legendary Hero

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As we left off, both Fionna and (YN) stated that they will officially now go hunting for the Lichette once and for all and end her for good. But to find the Lichette, Fionna has said that she knows someone specifically that can help track down the Lichette, and also this specific person was the one that took down the Lichette, this person is known be be as the legendary hero herself, Billie. Rumors were told that she eventually retired being a hero according to Fionna and Cake when they first met Billie, and now, Fionna, (YN), and Cake make their way to Billie's residence to ask her help to look for the Lichette.
On a deserted land, Fionna Cake and (YN) were heading to Billie's tunnel as Fionna and (YN) both were walking together. Their hands bump into each other, and to start fiddling them and chuckling...Cake walks between them...

Cake: Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to have a word with Fionna, please?

(YN): Oh, yea sure.

Cake: Thank you.

(YN) continues walking as Fionna stays walking behind with Cake...

Fionna: What's up Cake?

Cake: So, you and (YN) huh. Looks like y'all made up pretty well when BMO and I aren't there.

Fionna: Oh, heh, yeah, we actually did.

Cake: Heh, figures would happen sooner or later, but hey, I'm proud of you, you an him are great for each other.

Fionna: Thanks Cake.

Cake: Anytime who made the first move?

Fionna: O-Oh. Well...I guess we both made the first move.

Cake: Ooooh, looks like the two of you went from tier 1 through 8 then. Atta girl.

Fionna: ...Actually...

Cake: ...What??

Fionna: ...*blushing* We...went for Tier 15.

Cake: You WHAT?!?

Fionna covers Cake's mouth...

(YN): Cake? Fionna? Everything alright?

Fionna: Y-Yeah! Cake just stepped on a pebble and yelped loud, hehe.

(YN): Oh, okay, careful when walking.

Cake takes Fionna's hand off her mouth...

Cake: Tier 15?! Really Fionna?!

Fionna: What??

Cake: I literally warmed to stay away from Tier 15 girl.

Fionna: I-I know you did, and I did know that.

Cake: Then why????

Fionna: ...It's was special, you know? was at the moment where me and him lay eyes to each other...and...we couldn't hold it back...

Cake: ...

Fionna: I know it was wrong...kinda, I was a special felt...great.

Cake: Oh you don't have to tell me twice honey, I mean Lord Monochromicorn, my glob he had-

Fionna: Okay Okay! No need to finish that sentence Cake.

Cake: Just saying...but also...I understand Fionna, besides, I can't keep telling stuff like this, you're grown up already, and well, just hope the best for you and (YN).

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