1. D-E-C-I-S-I-O-N-S

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The Story Starts from Here.....

The title track of this story : HOLD ME TIGHT~BTS

You’re still shining
You still smell like a flower
Now trust me, hold me again
So I can feel you, hold me”


Sliding the Metal Door of the Living Room, a tall beauty came inside that room. Her Perfect Body is hidden in a soft white Fabric long dress. The Star-pearl earrings are adding more charms in her beauty. The little and Simple Heart shaped Platinum necklace of her is telling how much delicate she is. Damn everything suits her so well.

But her smile?

"Meet my only Daughter, HWANG Y/N" everyone gasps looking at her, giving her their full attention.
Some people are having a Surprised expression while scanning her head to toe with their mouth open.

"Never knew that your daughter is this much beautiful"
"Yeah that's right, now I understand why you keep her away from the Digital World. Beauties are valuable as geme and diamonds."

"Excuse me Mr. ...Whatever you are.. I would like to correct your words a lill bit" she said in the middle of their conversation.

"Sure" the man who was speaking a second ago replied.

"Not asking for your permission" formally dropping her delicate figure on the soft Couch she continues "hmm so you are blaming my father for my zero appearance on Social Media? But actually it is me love to stay away from the people with rotten eggs filled in their heart"

Her young Twin brothers who are sitting beside their father are trying their best to hold their laughs, poor brothers .... they are rubbing each other's thighs to control themselves

"I apologize for her words, but from some point she is right, it's her choice to show herself on media, and we should respect her choice" Her father Explains to those pale faced guys, trying not to make a scene.

"Its okay Mr. Hwang, I also apologize from my Husband"
A middle aged woman said "I like your daughter and will be grateful to you if you give her hand in my Son's hand, don't worry I'll take care of her like my own child"

"I understand mrs. Sung but can we please wait for your son? It's our child's life decision" ~ y/n's mother Mrs. Hwang said to Mrs. Sung, who Is totally desperate to arrange their marriage.

"My son likes Y/n a lot, I showed her picture to him and he agreed already" Mrs. Sung replied quickly. God knows what this woman is upto.

"But my Decision also matt-"

"We are ready. Let's arrange their marriage as soon as possible" her father said cutting her off.

Y/N's POV:-

I can't believe my ears. My Own father doesn't cares about my decisions. Well it's not that much surprising as he does it always but it's about my Whole fucking Life, and he is arranging my marriage without my opinion! Great ! What a wonderful family I got. Then I looked at my Mother, who was looking at the floor while playing with her fingers. Such a scaredy Cat she is. I have never seen her throwing words back to my father. But does she feels nothing bad about me? Her daughter, whom she carried in her womb for nine months?

Without saying anything, I stand up and left that room.
I had a great past locking myself inside my room, made a small world with my pen and papers, no I'm not writing death notes. I have got so many pending works to do,many promises to keep and three wishes to fulfill.

Pen and papers because, the princess got no one to share her personal space with. And If you are a historical Drama fan then you must know about the princesses being brutal and royal maids keeping their eyes only on the floor.
The people working for Me are having the same mindset maybe. To them, I'm that brutal princess because that's the label I'm sticked with. Neither they keeps their eyes up, neither they speaks. Pretty but pathetic dumb bitches.

I had my School Life at home, never visited the university to attend lectures, just went twice or thrice in a year for exams. About my assignments, dad used to send a guard to my university to submit them.

That's what my life is



A/N: it's just a beginning. So I made this part short to make you understand our Y/N's daily basis.
Hope you liked her characteristics.

To be continued....

"DEAR, AUTHOR"|| JungkookXReader...By- (Ary)Where stories live. Discover now