21. Rope of Love: Poison

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*Updating after a whole month of Trauma, which is not over yet, had to come back to escape from my hard lifestyle for a moment*


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(This chapter is not a sweet one like other chapters, here you will meet the most cruelest character of this story:)


"Remember the day our daughter was born?" Mr. Hwang's voice echoed in the whole office room, a deep voice that can make everyone scared of.

"I want answer honey. Remember the day you last screamed in front of everyone? You could have died that day. The sign of our love could have die with you. But No.. that Lady Jeon and her daughter in law saved you. You were in pain, blood stains everywhere, bruises all over your back....."

"Stop please Stop" Mrs. Hwang shouted.

"I wish she had died that day, so that I could breath peacefully. She got the fucking beauty from you that made many assholes wish to kiss her feet, I also wanted her to be the queen, but she was a goddess, a kind goddess, very kind that her kindness made me question her future. A kind goddess would only pull a commoner like your sister, then one day fly away with that commoner taking her wills."

"Let her live now, you have tortured her enough." The woman said.

"Torture? Is that what you call a fucking torture? You wanna know what torture is? Then I will show you"

"I have already seen the Hell, my mistake.. even the Hell is better than this. I remember the day my Y/n was born, the first day I realised what hell I got myself into, and the Hell was my husband, whom I loved more than my father, for whom I left my Family behind. Where the love was?. I would let the Love wreck me from every angle, break me, torn me, and throw me in the little corner of the darkest room."

"Then one day, my daughter came in my life... My lover was with us for first four months, then he made a good distance, the love faded into my lonely days and nights with my daughter. Thankfully my Sister and Jeon family was with me.

On the night before my Delivery, we got into a fight for a filthy slut you got yourself attached with. I locked you in our bedroom and you just showed me how cruel your love can be. In the morning, With bruises all over my back made by your love, I ran to my neighbours, because you left me after my love. There I gave birth to my angel with the help of Lady Jeon. They questioned my condition and I couldn't even utter a single word. Next day My Mother in law came to live with us, I told her everything and in return she said.. 'this is nothing my child, a Man always behaves through his needs, and we are here just to fullfill them'  to be honest, I felt sorry for her, for her filthy mentality. I could have take a step against you but I wanted my daughter to get her father's love, because I know the value of Father in a Daughter's life, but unfortunately you proved me wrong again.

After three years, a lady approached me with a pregnancy report, crying and begging to keep her baby with us because it was your blood. And I agreed, I took care of her but she would brain wash my daughter instead, she made her doubt the whole world and lock herself in her room. She threatened her  many times and everything happened in front of your eyes but you said nothing. My daughter distanced herself from everyone, thinking that everyone is the same like her father. She was aware of everything, she knew that the boys she called her brothers, whom her parents had through Surrogacy are actually her father's illegitimate childs.

Every night she would cry in my arms, begging me to run away from this hell, and there was a boy she dreamt of running away with, her only bestfriend. But you separated them also because he was from your rival's family. Not even a single day I saw my daughter trying to harm your sons, she cared about them like a sister does, and surprisingly they are not like you, just the blood is same. they are not related to me but I feel proud to be called as their mother. And soon they will also get to know about your real face. Just wait and watch Mr. Hwang."

Mrs. Hwang made her way towards the exit but before leaving, she turned around and said...

"You will get paid back soon for the sins you have done, for destroying a happy family, for making two childrens cry for their parents, and for using your Blood as your bet.... Mark my words Mr. Hwang....



"I-illegitimate childrens?"

"Eomma, Eomma tell me it's a lie. You are lying, we are related to you right? You had us through Surrogacy right?"

"No, you two are not related to me"

"This can't be, THIS CAN'T BE"

"But this is the truth Su-han, I love you as my own childrens like I love Y/n but I'm not your biological mother."

"No.. you are! You are our biological mother, no matter what happened in the past, but you are our biological mother, we believe it and will believe it in future also, Understood? Don't dare to say that again. We love you and Noona, and will always do."

Taemin and Suhan declared.


(EXAMS 🤌🏻)

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