3. We are visiting Zoo today

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'Eomeonim I'm Home' Jungkook shouts sweetly as he enters in the house.
'Jukay uncle' that little niece of Jungkook NANCY, came running towards him and hugged his tall legs with her tiny hands. Making Jungkook giggle at her.
'Ninja!! I came from outside, don't hug me like this, let me fresh up first' Jungkook said softly.
'Jukay uncle will make me rice pudding today?'
'No baby, your doctor unnie strictly said no to Rice for 2days, we will make it tomorrow okay?'

Haeni: that's what I'm trying to say but she is not listening to me. Nancy let's go kiddo, let uncle talk to grandma.

-Haeni draggs Nancy with her, leaving Jungkook alone with the elders.

Jungkook: Halmeoni how are you?
Grandma: Where were you? were you out with that Mongoose boy?
Jungkook: Mingyu?
Grandma: yaah whatever his name is.
Jungkook: *sighs* is my sweetheart jealous of Mingyu?
Grandma: Why would I be?
Jungkook: I can read your face.
Grandma: bend a little. *Jungkook did what she said*
Jungkook: now?
Grandma: Come a Little close.
Jungkook: *doing* ok--ahhhhhhh sdjdkkkgjj
-*grandma suddenly pulled him by his right ear and twisted it making him scream.*
Grandma: Grow up you Bunny coconut, grow up. There are five kids already been calling you Uncle. Jae-Han said he will bring his girlfriend home today to meet us. And look at yourself, for how many years your mom is going to find your Under garments? Find someone who can help your single ass.

Jungkook: Be kind darling. I'm still your husband.
Grandma: Husband my foot.
Jungkook: aaahhhhhhh skdsksjs leave my bunny ears.

*After twisting his bunny ears and showing them the hell , that strong woman freed them*

Jungkook POV:-

My poor bunny ears are in pain. This wifey is so bad.
I was about to start my fake crying drama but then.

'GG look who came with me'

I looked at the voice owner, and yes Jae-Han my Nephew is here with his girlfriend. Wow what a wonderful day. Just an hour ago I was happy and now this situation is telling me to dig a hole here and burry myself inside it.


(Looks like jk kinda? Idk idk)

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(Looks like jk kinda? Idk idk)

NAME: Kim Jae-Han (16yo)
Mother: Kim Su-ah (Jungkook's elder sister)
Father; Kim Seok-jin

NAME: Kim Jae-Han (16yo)Mother: Kim Su-ah (Jungkook's elder sister)Father; Kim Seok-jin

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"DEAR, AUTHOR"|| JungkookXReader...By- (Ary)Where stories live. Discover now