25. Heartwarming

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After Doing her morning routines and rearranging her room, Y/n took her wallet, phone and stepped out of her room to meet her Grandfather reading newspaper with his specs on his eyes.
"Good Morning Grandpa" hearing Y/n's voice, Grandpa turned his face towards her, smiling "Good Morning Princess, going somewhere?" He asked seeing her in outgoing clothes. She pecked his cheeks smiling brightly "With Jungkook?" he asked suddenly making her eyes go wide open. Grandpa chuckled and patted her head "Go go, that man must be waiting for you" wearing her heels, she said 'bye' to him and came out of house to meet Jungkook leaning against his Car and swinging the key in circle around his index finger. "Good morning Madam" he said making her chuckle "Good Morning Mr. Jeon" she rushed toward him and engulfed him in a light hug taking him off guard, being shocked and happy Jungkook also did the same with her. After one or two minutes, she pulled out the hug and smiled at him "Let's go then". Jungkook nods and opens the passanger side's gate for her, and then he got in his driver side "Location?". Y/n sets the Car GPS and they drove off.

On the way, Y/n and Jungkook had a little breakfast in a cafe and took a lots of Chocolates, pastries and toffees from a shop and placed them in car's trunk.

It took them more than an hour to reach the location. Parking the car near a Garden, they came out . Jungkook looked here and there to see a mid-sized old house in the middle of a big florar Garden, a playground beside the Garden with seesaws,swings and slides in it. "Help me! take out the things" Y/n said, snatching the key from him, unlocking the trunk and giving the boxes to him to hold. Locking it, she placed the key in his Jean's pocket and took the pastry boxes from him. She made her way in the house with Jungkook following her. As soon she entered in the house, a kid screamed in joy "sweet Noona is here" and came running toward her before hugging her tightly, making her smile brightly. The other kids, following the mothers of the home. "Oh my, Y/n my child, it's good to see you here" one of mother came and hugged her smiling. "Take these things Mother" Y/n said and the mothers carried the boxes one by one. "Who is this Guy?" One of the kid asked pointing her index toward Jungkook.
"He is Ian" she answered and the kids gasped dramatically.

"Omo, Ian sir" a little grown up boy came near Jungkook and bowed immediately "We are very lucky to see you here Sir, please come and take seat" he took Jungkook in their Art hall and Arranged a Chair for him. "You don't have to do this man" he said and looked at the walls to see his best pieces hanging on it. "Kids really loves your work sir. They takes inspiration from you. They even attended one of your Exhibition. Y/n used to tell us a lot about your work and she once told them, she will bring you with her to meet them." Jungkook looked out of the Art hall to see her Playing with the kids.

"Sir, look I drew it" the boy who took him in, showed him one of his art. A couple playing with a kid beside a lake. "They are my parents, and this is me playing with them" he said, pointing at the figures.

"Do-gyun! Go and feed the birds" mother said to him and he went out nodding.

"He was just seven when her parents passed in an accident. His both side's family refused to take him with them, so we took him with us. He is very obedient, mature kid. He even takes care of the other children's."

"You didn't arrange his adoption?" Jungkook asked.

"We tried, but he refused it. He wants to live with us and take care of the kids here. He has big dream of becoming like you, he wants to make his parents proud of him."

A little girl came to him and said, "come, play with us" she pulled him, holding his index finger with her Little Little cute and soft fingers. "That's how Nini pulls me" Jungkook thought smiling, And picked her up in his arms.
"Too little to carry me" he said scrunching his nose and the kid smiled beautifully at him. "What's your name little Miss?" He asked poking her cheeks like she is doing with his "Jo-ah" she cutely said. Jungkook's memory took him to his childhood, when he found about his Noona changing her name from 'Jo-ah' to 'Su-ah'. she didn't like the name because her friends used to tease her because the meaning of that name is 'like' ex. 'joahae//I like you' .
"Ahjussi, Do you play basketball?" Joah asked him "Basketball! I used to play in my school days. Why? Joah likes Basketball?" Joah nods cutely.

"Joahyaa, come here baby" Y/n called Joah and Joah being a obedient baby taps Jungkook's shoulder to let her go. As soon her feets touched the floor, she ran to Y/n.

Jungkook came and sat beside Y/n. Some childrens starts joining the toy train's bogies on the train line. And the other childrens are playing alphabet puzzles with Jungkook and and Y/n. Both smiling, giggling, clapping with the childrens.

Suddenly there was a loud cry, a baby's cry. The mothers panicked and ran to a room. Jungkook and Y/n looked at eachother confusingly. The mothers came out of the room carrying a little crying baby. The mother who is holding her is trying to calm her but it's not that easy to calm a crying baby right?

"Give her to me" the mothers stared at Jungkook with a questioning look. "I can handle childrens, have personal experience." They gave the baby to him. He held her in a careful way and swings her slowly in his arms "uwuwuwuwu hoo, baby baby, I'm here I'm here, anininininininini shoo shoo shoo, what happened~~~little Princy,olelelelelelele" The child actually stops crying, and looks at him with a heartwarming smile. The baby giggles, Jungkook giggles, the baby Wiggles, Jungkook Wiggles, both are in cloud nine. "Princess! She looks exactly like you" Jungkook suddenly said, looking at Y/n. She immediately looks away as her cheeks turns pink.

"You will be an ideal father Jungkook" the owner of the orphan home said. "Oh I guess so... Thank you. What's her name?" Jungkook asks. "We haven't come up with a name yet,You can give a name of your choice if you want"

"Kyumi..... She is a star, a beautiful star.... She is Kyumi" Jungkook names her and she Wiggles more in his arms.
The Mothers also giggles seeing her cuteness. Don't ask about Y/n, her cheeks and heart is all mess.

"Four months ago, someone left her at our door with her date of birth written in a paper. She was just three months old, Her parents didn't want her." The mother sighs "what kind of parents they are?"

Y/n looks at the baby and thinks "atleast they didn't kill her"

"We should get going now. It's getting late" Y/n stood up off the mattress. Jungkook passes the baby to the mother. They are looking at eachother which didn't get unnoticed by Y/n. "Jungkook, get the car out" Jungkook nods and exits. Y/n looked at baby and kissed her temple "Kyumi, Do you like him?" The baby held her pinky finger gave her a charming smile making her Smile automatically. "See you soon" she said before leaving.

The whole ride was silent. She didn't say anything nor he did.

Breaking the silence, Y/n says "I don't want to go home" Jungkook glanced at her and pays his focus bsck on driving. "Do you have any plans" she asked "No" he replied.

"I love you" Jungkook hits the break immediately making both jump on their seats. "Be Careful" she warns him.
"We are literally in the middle of the road, this is not a time to joke. Seriously"

"I'm not Joking. I really Do"

"I still do love you Kook"


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