5. ლDear, NOBODYლ'⁠

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'This cannot be happen now'


'I don't know but... I'm not ready yet'

'But you were!'

'I was immature then'


'I was just a student then, now I'm a Doctor'


'I can't a marry a boy, who never thinks about the future, is not connected with his own family and also a Jobless musician'

'Once upon a time, an immature girl used to praise this jobless musician'

'Fool.... That's what I was'

'Aenaa you know what you are saying right?'

'Yes I know'

'You are sure right?'

' I'm not like you Mingyu '

- Mingyu sighed and nodded , not able to look in her eyes. 'Okay then, I'm not gonna force you anymore, but if you feel like you need help or a stress reliever, then I'm free, my door is always open for you.'

'Take care Mingyu'

'hmm I will'


NAME: Shin ji-aen (26yo)

- A successful doctor.
- A family girl from a normal little family.
-Mingyu's girlfriend
(She is our second female lead uwu ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ )

......,..,....,....... .....


Sitting on the bus stop, Y/n waited for a bus, but she is still in her Wedding gown. In quick she forgot to change her dress. Though it's a bit uncomfortable but okay.

'The bus should cross this road as the map is showing ' she mumbled looking at her mobile screen.

Y/N's POV:

Although it's a different city, but I can't stay here. it's been four hours I'm travelling alone. I don't mind more travel but I'm tired. I'm going somewhere alone and without a tag of A GIRL FROM A RICH FAMILY.
Even none can recognise me as they have never seen HWANG Y/N . This is an advantage..
But what's scaring me is my gown. Public will think low of me, yes a runaway bride. Then I got a notification on my phone,

'DUE TO A BAD WEATHER, OUR BUS CAN'T PASS BY THAT ROAD. and then it started raining.

'Darn it' sighing, I again looked at the location I'm at, and then searched for a hotel to stay for a night. Tomorrow I'll leave Seoul, as I'm not safe here, not even in this country, but I can't, I know by any chance they will chase me to another country by buying peoples using their powers.

After scrolling and searching a bit, I found one to stay.
Standing up, I picked my belongings I have with me, and ran from there hugging my things.

'Goddamn!' I'm all drenched in rain. And the weather is also so chilling now. Reaching the Hotel, I entered in and asked the Receptionist girl if I can rent a room for a night.

'Yes Mam, we have one available for tonight' she said after checking the list.
' That's great! Book it.' I said.
'Okay mam! Mam please show your ID to register'
'Hmm here' I passed my ID to her, and she started typing the number in her laptop.
' It's all done, but as you are leaving tomorrow, you have to pay for your rent now'
'I know' replying her, I paid for my rent.
'Umm. I have a request, can you help me?' I asked her , and she looked at me smiling 'Sure mam what is it?'
'If anyone come searching for me , don't give them any information about me okay?'
'Yeah okay! We respect other's privacy' she replied with a smile.
'Okay then, thankyou'
'Ma'am! We have a boutique in the 2nd floor, You should change your outfits'
'Oh thankyou so much. I was also about to ask you the same'
'My pleasure. Here is your key and receipt mam. Good night' I picked the key and receipt from the table and went to my room.

Taking a warm bath , wearing a bathrobe and drying my hairs I went to the boutique, the receptionist mentioned before.

As I entered the boutique, a sweet aromatic smell touched my nostrils, so nice, and then my eyes went to a woman folding clothes and humming some songs, there is a smile on her face. She is cute I admit.

'Excuse me!' I said in my low voice and yes she looked up at me.
'Ahh yess! How can I help you Sweety' her voice. It's really nice, is she a singer?
'Umm.. actually the reception girl told me to come here. I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't have any clothes with me.' I said.
'Wooh! I see, yes I can help you, come with me'
she said and I followed her to where she is taking me.

'Here. This is my latest collections, you can pick your favourite outfits'

I picked the dresses I liked , and she helped to try them one by one

'Okay, these dresses looks perfect on you. Do you want to keep them?'
'Yes pack them for me.'

I don't know why, but I found myself being comfortable with this woman, I talked to her very confidently today. I wish I could have an elder sister like her.

'May I know your name sweety?'

'Y/n ... Hwang Y/n. That's my name'
I told her my real name and she looked at me surprised.

'The Hwang and Co.'s only princess HWANG Y/N?'
what!!!!!!! She knows mee????

'How do you know me? Who are you?'

'Jeo- Jung Hae-ni'
She replied.




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