22. Do you?/Do I?

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[I'm back 🤡]

"Oh Dang man what's wrong with these office people?"

"Not everyone is like you Jimin"

"Oh come on old man, No more drink"
Jimin snatched the sudden opened soju bottle from grandpa's hand.

"Listen kid, when I was in my university, I used to have a very good tolerance for alcohol, but after your grandma came to this house, she strictly said..
'Hansooyah, stop drinking or you will see yourself in the footpaths.'  and I stopped drinking."

Mens laughed at the drunk President Park.

"Where is Jungkook?" Mingyu asked.

"Must be fixing his piggybank" Taehyung replied making others laugh hard.


There stands Y/n looking at the moon by the open balcony, and her dress shining under the moon light.

Jungkook slowly made his way towards her and asked.

"What are you doing here?"

Y/n turned round to meet his eyes looking at her.

"Same question" she said.

"Just some fresh air" Jungkook replied making her nod and turn her back at him again.

"You are here for something else, Don't lie" Y/n said.

"Well, I came here to give you something." Jungkook said, approaching her and standing beside her.

"Happy birthday" he wished, making her chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"That was funny so I laughed."

"That day, i didn't want to leave you there alone"

"But still you did right?" Y/n said.

"I'm sorry for-"

"Don't be.. I don't blame you or anyone else for that day."

"I should have listened to you"

"It's okay, I didn't mind at all"

"Little misunderstanding caused a big loss."

"Oh come on I didn't die, If there was nothing between you and me, I would still be in the same situation, I'm surrounded by the people I don't even know really, same goes to you.. I don't know you really, we lacked trust and understanding."

Jungkook didn't say anything just kept staring at her.

"I was there with some other intention."

"I know, you were ready to take a new step  so was I , but my bad, it ended before you and me even could be a thing."

Suddenly the Lights went off and the dim moonlight took the place.

"K-kook are you still here?" Y/n asked while moving her hands here and there. Her breath hitched when she got no answer "k-kook"

Suddenly two arms pulled her towards a hard chest.

"Shh I'm still with you."

His voice calmed her but she sobbed hugging him tightly.

"Don't leave me"

"Not making the same mistake again."


Next Day: 

Y/n woke up after the morning light came into her eyes, opening her eyes, she saw Nancy sleeping next to her while hugging her.

"Eommaaa Nini wants mum" Nancy mumbled while rubbing her face in the middle of y/n's breast.

"Aye nini, this Eomma got no milk yet" Y/n whispered chuckling.

Y/n kissed her forehead and hugged her softly.

"You kinda smell like him, do you sleep with your uncle and ask for his mum too?"  Y/n asked and laughed imagining Jungkook's reaction.


"This is not how tteokbokki is made"
Jimin said with hands on his waist , when jungkook added the fried chickens in tteokbokki sauce.

"Ahh I want my fried chicken back" Jimin said dramatically.

"Hyung can you please stop?"

"But who the hell taught you this? You got a messy taste in foods."

Jimin stated making Jungkook look at him with so done face and then concentrate on cooking.

"Can you pass me the bottle of gochujjang?"

"Aniyo, aniyo I'm not letting you use more gochujjang, I love my stomach, I can't tolerate spicy."

Jimin said.


"Looks tasty" Grandpa said seeing the garlic breads and tteokbokki placed on the table.

"Jungkook and Jimin made it"
Haeni said.

"Meals made by mens are always great because they never cares for digestion issues and all while womens are dangerously conscious about family health."
Grandpa stated, making Haeni look at him with brows up.

"Did you just indirectly mock us?"

And suddenly the feminist Haeni took the place.



"DEAR, AUTHOR"|| JungkookXReader...By- (Ary)Where stories live. Discover now