16. Polaroid

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"Move left, ahh okay now look back at me, yeah that's right"


"Aeo don't move"

"My legs hurts"

"Just a minute more"

"Palli palli"

"Yeah! 1-2-3... and done"

The Little jungkook was drawing his little friend (girlfriend?) , he told her to pose for him and she did, but her legs were not helping her.

"Show me, show me" y/n came close to her friend and asked to show the drawing.

"You have to give me a Tangerine toffee then"
Jungkook whined.

"Huh? I always share my toffees with you, but Tangerine toffee is my favourite, i can't give you"

"Selfo gurl! Then I'm not showing it" jungkook said and turned around hiding the drawing.

"Fine fine, take it" Y/n opened Jungkook's fist and placed two Tangerine toffee there, and then looked up in his eyes.
"Take my all Tangerine toffees but don't call me selfish, y/n is not selfish" she said sweetly.

"Ayo dummy I was joking"

"I am not dummy okay?" Y/n said and turned around to go back to her mom, who is sitting in the living room with Mrs. Jeon.

"Ayy princess, don't you want to see the drawing?" He asked, making her stop right where she was.

"Show" y/n said looking back at him.

And then he showed her the drawing. And guess what, that made her go mad at him.

 And guess what, that made her go mad at him

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*The Drawing*

"Next time I will draw O.J.O and name that, Jo Joguk"
She shouted glaring at him.

"Jeon jungkook" he corrected her.

"Eommaaaa" the Little girl ran from there crying, probably going to complain to her mother.
*Those memories flashed again in his mind, making him smile and giggle. He had a great childhood with her. That little girl visiting their house with her mother, those moments, he remembers everything, every little bit thing*

"Are you even present here?" Mingyu asked him, making him come out of his thoughts and look at him confusingly.


"DEAR, AUTHOR"|| JungkookXReader...By- (Ary)Where stories live. Discover now