1: Live Forever - Part 3

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July 18, 1995

Harry insisted that they meet near the train station next week to save Hermione a bit of time walking. She said that it wasn't a problem...that the long trip was worth it to spend time with him...and he believed her. But she smiled softly when she agreed to his compromise and he knew he had done the right thing.

They'd chosen an Indian restaurant this week. He'd never had curry and Hermione couldn't stop raving about it so it was an easy choice. He had no clue what to get so he simply said "I'll have the same" after Hermione ordered. The smile it garnered made it worth it even if it turned out to be wretched.

"Here is the money I owe you," he informed as they waited for their food, feeling very proud of himself for not letting her get away with paying for his trainers. He'd made a point of looking up the current exchange rate in the financial section of that morning's Daily Prophet to make sure he paid back the full amount due.

His satisfaction at a job well done was short lived however as he noticed that Hermione looked exceedingly pleased with herself. She pulled a shopping bag out of the larger than normal purse she had brought with her and slid it across the table.

"What did you do?" he asked, realizing she'd one upped him once again.

"I didn't do anything," she proclaimed innocently. "It was Dad..."

Harry rolled his eyes as he examined the contents of the bag. It was a portable music player and headphones similar to the ones he'd seen Dudley use along with a few cd's and a lot of batteries. Before he could protest Hermione continued on.

"I told Dad you never had the chance to listen to much popular music and he insisted that we get that for you," she droned on insincerely. She wasn't even trying to properly lie at this point. It was a bit insulting.

"Your dad insisted. Right," he smirked.

"There's a bit of all his favorites in there," she continued on pleasantly. "The Rolling Stones...Pink Floyd...Led Zeppelin...Queen-"

"Oasis," he mumbled with a smile as he stared at the case. He thought they looked cool and disinterested...like proper rock stars.

"I picked that one out," she interjected softly.

"I thought you didn't like them," he laughed.

"I said they were overplayed...I never said I didn't like them," she replied. At his raised eyebrow she came clean.

"Okay, fine. I don't like them. At all. But that doesn't matter as long as you like it."

"Thank you," he replied sincerely...wanting to say more but suddenly unable to do so.

"Any more visitors this week?" he asked, purposely changing the subject as he carefully stowed his gifts away.

"No visitors but I did receive a letter from the headmaster," she grumbled. "He is very disappointed in my decision to ignore his advice and once again invited me to join him at the super secret place."

"What did you say?" he prompted, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear her say it out loud.

"I told him I was still planning on joining everyone once you were there as well," she replied. "I haven't heard back."

As their food arrived she continued on. "Ronald sent two letters as well. He's very annoyed with me at the moment. Apparently he's bored out of his mind doing whatever they are doing wherever they are doing it and insisted that I come and be bored with them."

Harry felt a twinge of irritation as he thought of Hermione and Ron being alone together. He did his best to ignore it.

"He keeps apologizing for not being able to tell me anything," Harry said. "I think he is worried that I'm upset. I haven't had the heart to tell him he sounds more annoyed than me."

Hermione laughed.

He watched as Hermione dug into her food and caught a breath as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "This is so good," she mumbled in pleasure.

Harry dumbly took a bite as he watched Hermione continue to dig in voraciously. He never knew watching someone eat could be so...intoxicating.

He was broken out of his thoughts by a burning sensation in his mouth that grew exponentially in intensity. He began coughing loudly and quickly gulped down his glass of water in a feeble attempt at holding back the onslaught.

Hermione smiled but kept eating, sliding her water glass toward him once his was empty. "Did I forget to tell you it was spicy?"

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