"Minerva," Dumbledore pleaded. "It must be someone in the Order and Severus is by far the most skilled Occlumens in our ranks. I will speak with him about moderating his behavior-"
Sirius barked out a laugh. "Moderating his behavior," he muttered derisively, "say it for what it is without the pretty words. He's awful, petty and cruel. I couldn't think of a worse person for Harry to have to work with."
"Severus has put himself at great risk on our behalf and he has my trust."
"Well bully for him," Sirius replied, "that doesn't change the fact that he treats Harry as if he were James and he was still fifteen."
"I believe Severus will listen to reason and, as I said, he is the only true option."
"Filius," McGonagall replied simply, "we can ask him to instruct Harry."
Suddenly Dumbledore returned to form as he shot Minerva that look. The look that screamed you are silly and naïve and I know better. That look really pissed him off.
"Minerva," he began kindly, in that voice, "Filius has repeatedly declined to join the Order. The more people who know, the greater the risk, especially those not in our confidence."
"Well then we're all set because Filius is already a part of GI- our group," Sirius replied, barely concealing his glee, "he already knows of the prophecy."
Dumbledore quickly recovered at the momentary shock of hearing Sirius' revelation before replying. "Regardless of what Filius knows at this point it wouldn't be prudent for another person to learn of the actual prophecy. He will undoubtedly learn it when he probes Harry's mind."
"Exactly how is Snape, the man who interacts with Voldemort on an almost daily basis, a better option to learn the contents of the prophecy?" Sirius asked. "I feel much more comfortable with Filius knowing rather than Snape, and I'm sure Harry would agree."
Dumbledore's logic didn't make sense and based on the man's expression at the moment he knew it.
"I trust Severus," was all that Dumbledore was willing to offer.
"And we trust Filius," Sirius countered forcefully, allowing a bit of his anger to seep through once again.
The Headmaster leveled him with that look and seemed ready with an annoyingly pleasant retort, but the man's rebuttal was lost to time as Minerva settled the debate before he could speak.
"What seems to get lost, what always seems to get lost, in these conversations, is Harry. The boy just found out he is to be our savior or die trying, and the last thing he needs now is to be patted on the head and handed off to Severus while we hope for the best. Sirius and the others formed their group to ensure it would never happen again."
Sirius wanted to correct her and point out that Hermione and her parents had formed the first group for Harry but he held his tongue. It was clear that Minerva's words had affected Dumbledore and he didn't want to muck it up.
Dumbledore finally nodded his agreement and stood. "Thank you for informing me of the recent events. I think Harry and Miss Granger receiving advanced instruction in Charms should be a suitable excuse for their clandestine meetings. We will have to proceed cautiously. Dolores will no doubt be suspicious of any additional tuition Harry receives."
"Who the hell is Dolores?" Sirius asked.
Minerva looked as if she'd just smelled something foul. "Miss Umbridge is to be the new Defence instructor next term, appointed personally by Minister Fudge."
Dumbledore continued the explanation. "It is clear to me that she's to be Fudge's eyes and ears within Hogwarts. Keeping an eye on me, and Harry as well I suspect, while she parrots the Ministry's position on Voldemort's return."

Live Forever
RomanceThe summer after Harry's fourth year would have been much better if just one person in his life had disregarded Professor Dumbledore's instructions to ignore him. And if that person was Hermione Granger? It would have been much, much better