2: Cigarettes and Alcohol - Part 2

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July 11, 1995

He'd arrived early tonight, clear eyed and focused. Having a fifteen year old schoolgirl standing up for Harry had made it tremendously difficult for him to justify drowning his sorrows in drink. He'd even trimmed his beard that morning so he would be looking particularly fresh and well groomed in order to annoy Snape.

It seemed that his perpetual bad mood had transferred to Ron Weasley, however. The boy seemed to be stomping throughout his mother's list of chores and mealtimes...rarely speaking and looking thoroughly annoyed. Ginny seemed to be a bit forlorn as well.

As usual his cousin was the final person to arrive. She must have stumbled on something in her rush to get there on time as she nearly fell into her chair before quickly recovering.

"You found the shower!" she exclaimed happily.

He ignored the jibe, eager to find out about Harry. "Any more visits?" he asked.

She smiled and waggled her eyebrows as Dumbledore started the meeting.

Fifteen minutes later they began the important bit. All of Harry's minders shared the same observation...that while he wasn't bursting with joy and sunshine his mood had lightened considerably. He was much less angry and merely seemed bored.

"Hermione paid him another visit today," Tonks sing songed and Sirius bathed in Dumbledore's aggravated expression.

"How lovely," Snape droned. "Let me guess, did he spend the afternoon braiding her hair?"

"No, unfortunately," Tonks lamented falsely, "but this time they had pizza!"

"Tell me that isn't all you observed," Moody nearly growled.

Tonks pulled out her notebook and pretended to consider it before she continued. "Oh no, I've got loads of interesting stuff this week. Let's see...the pizza toppings looked to be pepperoni and mushrooms..."

"Miss Tonks," Dumbledore attempted to interrupt.

"Harry had a coke while Hermione stuck with water."


"They had ice cream later. I couldn't make out the exact flavors but they both had something with chocolate. Hermione couldn't finish hers so she gave the rest to Harry-"

"Did you observe anything important," Dumbledore interjected more forcefully.

"Let me see...let me see..." Tonks continued calmly as she methodically reviewed her notes, "Oh right. I think Harry gave her his invisibility cloak."

The table erupted at the news. It was a mixture of outrage, confusion and, for Sirius, amusement. He barked out a laugh and pounded the table. James would be so proud.

After quieting the masses Dumbledore spoke. "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure," Tonks continued, now much more serious. "Dedalus was due to relieve me about the time that they split up so I followed Hermione to the train station. I watched her go into the loo at the station but she never came out. I didn't think about it at the time but the door did open once by itself. I'd just assumed someone had opened the door and gone back for something they forgot. I think she went into the loo and put the cloak on in case anyone tried to follow her. And fair play to them because it worked."

"Well there you go," Sirius exclaimed in triumph. "No-one will be able to follow her to or from her home. Problem solved."

"This is just the sort of thing I was concerned would happen. It is important that Harry keep the cloak with him at all times," Dumbledore said disapprovingly.

Of course the man wouldn't give up. Sirius couldn't hold his tongue.

"Yeah, lending something like that out didn't do James and Lily much good did it?"

"I believe I will send Miss Granger another letter..." Dumbledore continued, ignoring Sirius altogether. Sirius fought the urge to laugh. There was no way that was going to work.

The meeting ended shortly after and Remus, Tonks and Bill stuck around at Sirius' urging for a few drinks. It tasted much better when you weren't doing it every night and you were with friends.

"Are you sure they aren't dating?" Tonks questioned as the conversation returned to the couple.

"I think Hermione would go for it in a heartbeat but Harry is clueless. He likes some girl named Cho. Why? What did they do?"

Tonks nodded at Sirius' statement...as if several pieces had fit into place. "I didn't bring it up at the meeting but after eating they bought Harry some new trainers."

"About time Harry started treating himself," Sirius grumbled. "Sod the Dursleys-"

"It was Hermione," Tonks interrupted, "she pretty much dragged him to the shop and paid for them herself. The way she was looking at him when he was trying them on...she's got it bad."

Sirius stared at the drink in his hand, remembering his escape at the hands of two incredible third year students. They were so young that he dismissed it at the time but the girl most definitely wore a similar look that night.

"Bill and I are going to stop by the Grangers' tomorrow evening...put up a few more enchantments," Remus offered.

"Good...thank you," Sirius replied, his heart lightening a bit. Despite the horrible decision they had all agreed to it was clear they all cared for Harry...and now Hermione. She was going to get a really nice birthday present.

"Maybe I could go as well," Sirius offered hopefully, wanting desperately to do something for the girl. "I've put a few additional protections on Grimmauld that-"

"Sirius," Remus interrupted kindly, "it isn't safe. We will do everything we can for her. I promise."

"Okay," he relented. "But lets review the spells before you leave tonight and you two can add them. Technically they're Black family spells but I like the idea of them being used to protect muggles."

Remus chuckled. "That means that we'll need to stay relatively sober."

"I'd be a bit of a bastard if I chose drink over Hermione and her family wouldn't I?" Sirius commented before pouring his last drink of the night. "We owe it to them."

Bill grinned. "Did we just form a new group? It feels like we formed a new group."

Sirius smiled. "I think we have."

"We need a name!" Tonks exclaimed as she began clapping her hands in excitement.

"The Granger Initiative Taskforce," Sirius proclaimed proudly.

"What the? That's an awful name," Bill said with a laugh.

"You just want to call it GIT don't you?" Remus asked tiredly as he poured himself another drink.

"To GIT!" Tonks proclaimed, holding her drink up for a toast.

"To GIT!" Sirius repeated in a laugh.

Drinking was much better with friends.

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