4: Slide Away - Part 5

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August 24, 1995

Hermione fought the desperate urge to roll her eyes as far back into her head as possible. She and Harry had just been inducted into something called the Granger Initiative Taskforce. Although she was grateful for the multiple enchantments they'd placed on her parents' house it seemed to her that their meetings had devolved into drinking and making fun of each other. While Harry seemed to be highly amused at the proceedings she couldn't help but wonder why they were there.

They were now meant to recite an oath to officially commemorate their initiation as junior members of the group. She knew it would be stupid and pointless...it was Sirius after all...but the levels of stupidity and pointlessness surprised even her. The oath was clearly a vehicle for Sirius to come up with as many ways to rhyme words with her last name. Ranger...stranger...manger...changer...change her...it was all. so. stupid.

"Is there a point to this?" she finally interrupted as Sirius began regaling them with the tale of a comely witch and his plans to rearrange her.

"I was just getting to the good part!" he pouted before brightening slightly and shooting a wink toward her boyfriend. "Best to leave it there, eh Harry? Wouldn't want to enrage her.

"That doesn't even rhyme!" she protested as everyone else groaned. Everyone but Harry. His grin was infectious and she found herself smiling as well.

"Fine! Induction is over," he surrendered. She watched as the man became much more serious and quickly downed his drink. Everyone at the table looked uneasy at what was about to be discussed.

"We wanted to talk to you about your dreams, Harry," Arthur began.

She felt Harry tense beside her and unconsciously reached for his hand. It had been less than a month since she'd been allowed to reach for Harry whenever she liked and she wondered if she would ever tire of it. The last four years of forcibly pushing back against the urge had been really difficult.

"You aren't supposed to be talking to me about this are you?" Harry intuited.

"Dumbledore thinks we-"

"Don't sugar coat it, Arthur," Sirius interrupted. We don't know what Dumbledore thinks because he won't explain his reasoning. We've just been told not to share anything with you."

"But you are anyway," Hermione interjected.

"Like I said the other day," Sirius answered with a wink, "it's entirely your fault."

Harry looked at her in confusion and she subtly shook her head to indicate they would talk about it later. She heard the now familiar wistful sigh from Tonks as Harry nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"The place you've been dreaming about...it sounds like the place the Order has been guarding...where the weapon is located," Sirius continued.

'What is it?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"The Ministry has a department devoted to studying more ambiguous forms of magic," Bill continued.

"The Department of Mysteries," Hermione supplied, garnering nods from the adults in the room.

"Order members have been guarding something there, in the Hall of Prophecies," Sirius continued.

"A prophecy?" Hermione scoffed, "Divination is the most useless subject being taught at school."

"Normally I would agree with you," Remus interjected, "Ninety nine percent of what we think of as Divination is rubbish, but the other one percent can be monumentally important. If we pretend that isn't the case we are setting ourselves up for failure."

"Like love," Harry interjected. "Dumbledore said Mum's love protected me and Voldemort had never respected that sort of magic."

"Yes, exactly like that," Remus continued, "in fact the Department of Mysteries has a room dedicated to studying love as well."

Harry nodded his head and took a breath. "What's the prophecy?" he trudged on.

"We don't know. Dumbledore knows something but believes it isn't safe to share exactly what he knows."

"So, you lot are guarding something and have no idea what it is or who it's about?" Harry asked, his annoyance growing.

"It's about you," Tonks added nervously, "you and the other guy. King and I have been searching the prophecy room to find anything with a familiar name and I finally found something last night."

"What does it say?" Harry asked nervously.

"Prophecies are dodgy things," Sirius answered. "Anyone who even tries to touch a prophecy not made about them would go mad."

"So Voldemort wants to know the prophecy and you are guarding the room to stop him. The prophecy is the weapon," Harry observed.


"And Dumbledore doesn't want me to know any of this," Harry continued, annoyance evident in his voice.

"If it makes you feel any better he didn't want us to know either," Bill added in an attempt to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"I guess we know what Dumbledore thought I'd have on my mind this year," Harry mumbled ruefully in a low voice that only she could hear. She was too terrified at the moment to appreciate the humor.

The silence seemed to drag on as everyone waited for Harry to speak...to react...to...anything.

"So what happens now?" Harry finally asked.

"That's up to you," Remus answered calmly.

"What?" Harry stated.

All eyes turned to Sirius. "We've all agreed that you have the right to hear the prophecy. We are willing to try and make that happen."

"Behind Dumbledore's back?"

"Behind Dumbledore's back," Sirius confirmed unwaveringly.

"Just the five of you?" Harry continued, still not quite believing what they were offering.

"Eight of us actually. King is on duty right now and Filius and Minnie are skipping this meeting for purposes of plausible deniability," Sirius replied.

"Professor Flitwick?" Hermione interjected, "and...Minnie?"

"Professor McGonagall," Remus supplied, amused at the gobsmacked expressions she and Harry were now wearing. "We understand this is a lot to take in. Just let us know when-"

"I want to know," Harry interrupted forcefully. Hermione wasn't surprised. She was, however, frightened beyond belief. They had better come up with a good plan.

"You're sure?" Sirius prompted.

Harry looked to her for confirmation. Every fiber of her being wanted to hustle them both out of this wretched house under his invisibility cloak and never look back. But Harry would never agree to such a thing so neither would she.

She did her best to manage an encouraging smile and nodded her agreement. His look of relief settled her nerves just a bit. Harry turned back to look at Sirius.


"Here is what we have in mind."

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