2: Cigarettes and Alcohol - Part 1

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A/N: This chapter is from Sirius' perspective and takes place over the same days as the first chapter. It was very kind of the Order to schedule their meetings on the same day as Hermione and Harry's dates.

I was looking for some action, but all I found are cigarettes and alcohol...

July 4, 1995

Sirius Black groaned in pain as he sat up and the fog began to clear from the events of last night. Actually it was only one event that preyed on his mind...leading to the copious amounts of alcohol being ingested...leading to this pain.

The letter had been shit. He'd written over ten versions...some short and sweet...some long and detailed, doing everything but explaining why they'd stuck him back with that bitch and her whale of a husband. They'd all been ridiculously vague, all included the same stupid instructions, and all condemned his godson to deal with his own demons until sometime real soon! We promise!

It was all shit.

He forced himself to stand and get dressed because now that he had guests in the house he had to put on actual clothes while he brooded. And it was an Order meeting day so he had to wear proper ones as well...not the muggle t-shirts and jeans he preferred. It was bad enough having to listen to Snape's gloating comments about how much he was doing on behalf of the Order and how little Sirius' efforts amounted to while he lazed about the house. His slovenly clothes would only serve as confirmation of the greasy bastard's snide remarks.

He spotted Molly as he began heading down the steps and fought the urge to flee. He liked the woman but she insisted on sharing her plans for the day in a rather loud voice. Normally he could nod his way through her explicit explanation of every cabinet and nook to be scrubbed but the pounding in his head was going to make it exceedingly difficult.

"We've been working on the sitting room tod-" she began automatically before Sirius raised a hand and quickly descended the stairs with a "sounds good, Molly." He could practically feel the look of disapproval on the woman's face and he had to agree. He was pathetic.

He entered the kitchen and grabbed the porridge that Molly had left for him and dug in...hoping that filling his body with something non-toxic would help make the awfulness go away. As he ate in silence he idly wished for the thousandth time that Lily was there. She was really excellent at hangover potions and was usually kind enough to deliver her lectures quietly. Unless he included James in his nonsense...then the volume levels were off the charts.

He nearly jumped out of his skin as the twins popped into sight.

"Not today, lads," he mumbled as he shoveled more food into his mouth. The room was entirely too bright.

"You know when he said he was going to get smashed I didn't think he'd look quite this mass murdery afterward," George observed gleefully, reveling in his misery.

"Is there something I can help you with boys?" he gritted out as he placed his wand on the table in warning. He'd taken an instant liking to the two when they'd showed up on Saturday but now was not the time.

"Sirius my friend, it's not how you can help us, it's how we can help you."

As awful as he felt he was intrigued. "I'm listening."

Fred took a seat beside him and pulled out a vial. "The cure to all your misery lies within this flask."

He knew it was too good to be true...these little shits wouldn't offer this without there being a catch. He knew this because he would have done the same thing when he was a little shit.

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