3: Half The World Away - Part 4

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July 31, 1995

David had always prided himself on his conversational skills. As a dentist it came with the territory. Knowing the right thing to say...being able to smoothly fill up the awkward silences and put people at ease...he was a master.

But as he listened to Harry explain that his Aunt and Uncle would be angry if they knew about his crap presents he was at a loss words. Clothes were the last thing any fifteen year old boy would hope for on their birthday. Even the football shirt they'd given him was crap. As much as he loved Manchester City they weren't likely to survive relegation next season. They were the epitome of crap.

He wasn't normally a fan of physical affection with strangers but he wanted nothing more than to wrap the boy in a hug before chucking him in the open boot and driving away from this awful place.

He'd actually done a good job of putting on a happy face all night and allowing Harry to have a bit of mindless fun and attention on his birthday. But it had been hard to smile through the constant reminders: The new trainers that stuck out like a sore thumb against the worn, oversized hand me downs he wore. The fact that the awful clothes he had on were probably the nicest he had available. His look of sincere appreciation as he opened his crap presents.

David had properly pushed through every disheartening bit, kept a smile on his face and the jokes flowing. But this...it was too much.

He didn't throw Harry into the boot of the car and drive off into the sunset like he wanted. Instead he made a dumb joke about Hermione's love of study planners and then told him the truth...that he was truly thankful for getting to celebrate Harry's birthday with him.

When he returned to the car he quickly closed the door, knowing his wife had been watching and would want answers.

"Do I want to know why Harry isn't taking his presents, David?" she asked, a powder keg ready to blow.

"He said his relatives would get upset if they saw him wearing them. He wants Hermione to bring them to Hogwarts."

"We bought him clothes!" she protested in an angry hush. "They're angry at him having proper clothes to wear?"

"Just leave it, Jane," he said quietly. He looked into the rearview expecting to see anger from Hermione to rival her mother...instead he was met with despair.

She spotted him looking and quickly wiped away the tears. "It isn't fair..." she mumbled absently before forcing herself to school her features. David wondered how many times she'd plastered on that same brave face for her friend over the years.

"I'm going to walk him back," Hermione informed as she moved to exit the car.

"Remember what I said," Jane informed, drawing an affirming nod from Hermione before she forced a smile.

"What did you tell her?"

"If she truly wanted Harry to be more than a friend than she needed to take the initiative."

It was a bit hard to tell as he was watching through a mirror and they were now a block away but it definitely looked like Hermione had taken the initiative. He would have preferred if she had waited a few more years to take the initiative. Maybe decades...

"I think she took your advice," he informed, drawing a sad smile from his wife, all of her previous fury now gone.

"This is all so terrifying," she trembled. "They're only fifteen, David."

He remained quiet...not feeling the need to fill up the now deafening silence. There was no proper answer to that and being comfortable in the silences was one of the best bits about marriage.

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