Before he could ask what was going on, Sirius placed a hand on his shoulder and popped them into the library. Hermione had explained the experience of apparating, but despite her detailed description, he was in no way prepared for the actual sensation. As he did his best to keep the bits of sandwich he'd consumed in his stomach, Sirius stood and crossed the room. He'd apparated them to the Black Library but he wasn't headed for any of the books, opting instead to lift the needle on a muggle phonograph that had been set up in the room. Seconds later a song began playing...something Harry could vaguely recall hearing before. It was catchy. Sirius plopped back beside him and resumed talking.
"As I said, I was acting like a proper idiot and hiding away, and your father let me be an idiot until supper. I'd decided to have my meal in my room and that apparently was the last straw for your dad. He came up with his own plate and dragged me into his room and told me to sort myself out because we had research to do."
Sirius smiled. "James had overhead Lily telling someone how much better The Beatles were than The Weird Sisters near the end of term. They were new at the time and everyone was raving about them, but apparently Lily wasn't having it. So the first day of break, he went out and bought all of their records. He'd been listening to them nonstop since term ended and wanted me to hear them as well. His whole plan was for us to have a casual conversation around Lily talking about our favorite Beatles album."
Harry smiled. "He sounds desperate."
Sirius laughed. "You have no idea. He and Lily had become friends in sixth year and he was looking for anything and everything he could find to impress her. But fair play to him, we never had to have our staged conversation, but he still got the girl in the end. And we did have several actual discussions about our favorite record, Lily included."
They sat in companionable silence for several minutes as they listened to the music. Harry thought it was quite good, not as good as Oasis, but very catchy.
"You see, Harry, your dad had it figured out. He couldn't do anything about my parents being awful, just like I couldn't do anything about his parents being sick, but whatever we were going through, we were going to go through it together. Now, I can't do anything about you being a part of that blasted prophecy, and I'm awful at making sandwiches. So I let Molly make the sandwich, I'm going to make you listen to The Beatles, and you're going to make me listen to Oasis."
"I only have a cd," Harry replied. "It won't work on that thing."
Sirius looked quite offended. "I know what a cd player is. Lasers, right? Tonks explained it, sort of.
But fear not!" Sirius exclaimed before summoning a bag from across the room. "I had Tonks do some shopping for me." The bag contained a copy of the Oasis record as well as a few smaller records he'd never heard of.
"How long have you had that?" Harry asked.
"Since before you arrived. Tonks told me about Hermione's gift and I was hoping we'd get a chance to listen together. But you've been too busy with your girlfriend," Sirius said as he pretended to look disgusted.
"Speaking of which," he continued, "you've been a bit of a shit boyfriend lately."
"Hermione is fine," Harry replied, "we just had a bit of an argument. It's better for her anyway; I'm not good company right now."
"First of all, why did you stop eating your sandwich? Secondly, either I'm an awful storyteller or you are an idiot. If the situations were reversed and the prophecy was about Hermione, would you be fine?"
Harry opened his mouth to speak but the words didn't come. Just thinking about such a scenario had taken his breath.
"Just because she doesn't cry in front of you, doesn't mean she doesn't need to cry. You going off and hiding might have been fine before, but you two are a couple now. You're meant to cry together, not behind each other's backs."
Sirius was right. He'd been ignoring the voice in his head that had been screaming to him that Hermione would make him feel better, but he was most ashamed to realize that he hadn't even considered the fact that being around him would make Hermione feel better. He moved to stand but was once again stopped by Sirius.
"I'm glad to see you've sorted it out, but Hermione is already talking to her parents. She's officially got the night off from trying to help you, so you're stuck here with me for the next few hours. During that time, I expect you to think up a proper apology and a way to make up your numptyness to your girlfriend. Understood?"
Harry chuckled and slid back down beside Sirius. Between the sandwich, the music, and Sirius' speech he did feel better. Not good...not even close...but better.
"What's the name of this record anyway?"
"Rubber Soul."
"I like it. Is it your favorite?"
Sirius shook his head. "Your dad's favorite was Abbey Road and mine was Revolver."
"What was Mum's favorite?"
"Rubber Soul."

Live Forever
RomanceThe summer after Harry's fourth year would have been much better if just one person in his life had disregarded Professor Dumbledore's instructions to ignore him. And if that person was Hermione Granger? It would have been much, much better