5: Acquiesce - Part 3

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August 18, 1995

Minerva did her best to calm herself as she waited for Albus to emerge from her floo. Based on his actions over the last few months she was fairly positive what this discussion regarding her prefect assignments would entail...what every discussion seemed to center around these days. Harry Potter.

She had been the head of Gryffindor house for several decades and her prefect appointments had never warranted a personal visit to discuss her selections,let alone a discussion within minutes of her submission. She was thoroughly unsurprised.

The last month had truly brought about an odd turn of events. Once she had pulled off the veil she had purposely put on regarding her own decision making as it related to Dumbledore, it had been very difficult to place it back. Her thoughts which in the past had automatically drifted to the headmaster knows best and Harry has always proven to be resilient had reversed course, demanding her to think about how many things had been missed, purposely or otherwise, the last few years. And just because Harry had been magnificently resilient didn't justify sitting by and watching as his resiliency was needlessly tested again.

The floo flared to life and the headmaster emerged just as she was pouring them tea. She fought the urge to throw the kettle at her mentor for what she suspected he was about to do, settling instead for dropping his three customary sugars in his cup and taking a seat.

"I appreciate you having a few moments to see me at this late hour," he greeted warmly before taking a sip of the proffered tea,

"It is fine, Albus," she replied, doing her best to smile pleasantly in return. She wanted to get the formalities over as quickly as possible and dove right in. "I was just planning on doing a bit of reading before turning in. I've got a busy day tomorrow now that the Head and Prefect assignments have been sorted."

Albus' smile grew the tiniest bit congenial and she knew what was coming.

"That is the reason for my visit, actually. I'd like to discuss your fifth year assignments before everything becomes 'official' as they say," he supplied pleasantly.

"Given Miss Granger's performance in the classroom and her and Mr. Potter's services to the school they are clearly the obvious choice. Probably the easiest choice I've had in the last decade. And it goes without saying that they make an excellent team," she added unnecessarily.

Their teamwork over the summer had caused the headmaster myriad headaches, headaches that she was now actively participating in bringing about. She suspected he would have a doozy after this conversation was over.

"Yes, yes, it goes without saying that those two would make an excellent pair. My concerns lie more with Harry's state of mind this upcoming term."

And there it was. She thought he might try to change the wording a bit...to pretend that he wasn't trotting out the same vague excuse...but he'd gone to old reliable. It was for Harry, as was his need to stay at Privet Drive over the summer, and why the original plan was to leave him there for several days after the Dementor attack before GIT had foiled it spectacularly. She'd heard a decades worth of it's for Harry's.

Sometimes she accepted it immediately...sometimes she pushed back for a bit...but she'd always acquiesced. For Harry was the reason she had convinced herself that she was doing the right thing in the past. She had been lying to herself about who it was really for but she was done with that now. It was time to start pushing back, really pushing back, and doing what was right rather than what was easy. For Harry.

"Without more information I'm afraid I don't agree, Albus," she began, causing one of his eyebrows to rise ever so slightly. Normally at this point she would be asking questions for him to volley away, not making declarative statements. It felt good.

"Minerva," he began once again, now in a much graver tone, "there are things regarding Harry's future...things that I cannot share with you...that I believe will be taking a toll on him mentally in the coming months. And we've spoken before of why I must isolate myself from the boy...this connection he has with Voldemort. I fear Harry's reactions over the coming months could be unpredictable."

An interesting pivot, she surmised. In the past he'd waved off concerns for the stress Harry had endured, citing Harry's tremendous resolve, pure heart, and innate ability to do the right thing when it most mattered. But now he had reversed tactics. She ignored it and plowed on.

"The prophecy, it's about Harry then," she stated matter of factly, "and you are thinking he will not take it well once he learns its contents." They'd talked around the topic since Voldemort's resurrection but this was her chance to hopefully get more answers.

Dumbledore nodded gravely. He was quite good at nodding gravely to get his way. Unfortunately for him she knew all of his tricks.

"I'm hoping to avoid forcing Harry to deal with that revelation this year but I fear it is only a matter of time. And I am sure he is still processing the horrible incidents at the end of term. The burden would be too much for even Harry to bear."

Albus kept talking for a bit about the tragedy of it all but she'd tuned him out and waited for her chance to respond, her reply prepared long ago. She loved using his words against him.

"Well, as you've said repeatedly Mr. Potter has amazing resiliency and always seems to make the right decision when it comes to the important things. But I do understand your concern..."

She let her friend have a brief moment of triumph before continuing.

"So I think I will pay a visit to Grimmauld tomorrow and leave it up to him. I will explain the responsibilities that the position entails and your concerns. I think he's earned a bit of honesty and faith at this point, don't you?"

The headmaster appeared to have something to say but stopped himself. Apparently he had decided any further arguments were a lost cause without providing more facts, facts that he was clearly still not willing to share. Minerva fought the urge to frown at Albus' continued hording of secrets.

"Thank you, Minerva," he replied kindly as he stood to leave, "although I believe it will be a lost cause once young Harry finds out that Miss Granger would be his partner."

You have no idea, she mused as Albus disappeared through the fireplace. Based on the GIT's reports on the pair's 'homework sessions' she was positive those two would be spending every patrol together.

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