Booette's Sick Day

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Booette comes down with a fever on the day that she and Luigi have plans to hang out, but has to stay home and rest because of her illness. Being the kind roommate that he is, Luigi takes care of her until she gets better.

A/N: I know that ghosts can't get sick but Idk about those in the Mario verse or anything that's affected by the Super Crown so just roll with it alright?


Booette groaned as she lay in bed, her face damp with sweat and her snow white hair stuck to her head. She tried turning her head but it hurt which made her wince in pain. It felt like a weight was pressing down on it and making it feel heavy. The minute she swallowed a coughing fit erupted in her throat. Booette was fine yesterday so why did she wake up feeling like crap this morning? The world looked blurry around her as she opened her reddish-violet eyes before squeezing them shut, a wave of dizziness overtaking her.

Eventually the coughing alerted the other occupant in the house with her who walked inside the room. Luigi gasped as he ran over to the ghost girl, looking to see Booette sluggishly pulling the covers over her pale, flushed and sweaty face, some tufts of ivory hair peeking out from underneath. Another groan left her as she curled up into a ball under the blankets, her body felt quite chilly despite the fever.

"Booette?" The plumber called out to her, only to get some nonsensical grumbles.

She made a small noise that sounded like a pitiful whine which turned into a loud cough, thus hurting her even more. At this rate the poor girl was gonna bark up her lungs if she continued. Concern flooded the man's face as he pulled the blankets down to Booette's neck, her damp face now exposed to him. He pressed a hand to her forehead, making his girlfriend quietly sigh in relief at the cool touch but quickly withdrew it due to how hot her forehead was.

Luigi then left the room.

"Luigi?" Booette whispered as she heard footsteps, voice raspy with sleep.

"Don't-a worry, Booette I'll be right back."

Unable to move much, Booette let out a whimper and waited until he came back with a thermometer. Luigi lifted the girl up and stuck the thermometer in her mouth, taking it out about a minute later when the thing beeped to show the girl's temperature which read 103.6 degrees. The plumber frowned at the thermometer accompanied by a shake of his head as he set it aside.

"Sorry, Booette, but it looks like-a you'll have to rest up before you go or do anything today."

"B-But we had plans today," Booette protested in a defeated manner as she tried to sit up.

Luigi just frowned at her, "Not if you're sick like-a this and can barely get out of-a bed, let alone even sit up. When you get well we'll do something productive, okay? So hang tight and rest."

The ghost girl whined and pouted as Luigi left again to grab some stuff from both the kitchen and bathroom cabinet such as some medicine, a glass of water, a bowl with a gray towel and blue one draped on his arm. He got her to sit up again though the woman's body protested in pain. How he ended up with a whiner was beyond him. Regardless, he still loved Booette even if she was being a bit difficult this morning.

"Here, I need you to take-a this for me, Booette. It will help with the fever as well as the pain."

Luigi held out a pill to her which she took and downed the glass of water, Booette sighed in relief as the cold liquid slipped down her throat. Once she was finished the plumber took the glass from her then set it on the nightstand. He made her lay back down and pulled the covers up to her neck, moving Booette's hair out of her face in the process as she fell asleep. He grabbed the towel from the bowl, wringing out the excess water before placing it on her head. A relieved hum escaped the girl as she felt the towel cool her down. Luigi took the blue towel and began dabbing at Booette's face to wipe away the accumulated sweat that had formed there overnight. He just wanted to make his favorite Boo-turned-human as comfortable as possible so when she got better, there was no doubt that she would give him all the snuggles in the world for taking care her.

Luigi then pulled up a chair next to the bed as he watched Booette sleep, her soft snoring barely audible while she glanced at the clock to see it was still early in the morning. 8:30 am was too early, especially when the sun had rose over the horizon but hung low in the sky.

Sure Booette had gotten sick before which resulted in a minor cold but NOT a fever, especially one strong enough to leave her bedridden for a few days like this. Luigi hoped it wasn't serious enough that he had to take her to the infirmary, shaking his head at the thought. All Booette needed was plenty of rest, drink a lot of liquids to stay hydrated and to take her medicine. Give it a day or two and her fever would eventually break.

Just as he was dozing off another coughing fit snapped Luigi out of his trance and he switched the gray and blue towels. He didn't get far however as Booette leaned over and nuzzled him on the cheek.

"Booette?! Are you trying to get me sick?" He spluttered.

"Y-Your immune system's probably stronger than mine so you won't get sick, Luigi. But if you do get sick, I can take care of you when you get better!" Booette replied somewhat happily, though she was still miserable.

"True but if I do get the flu, I expect you to take care of me."

"I-I'll do my best to nurse you back to full health."

Luigi gave the her hand a light, reassuring squeeze, "I'm sure you'll do fine."

A soft, but barely noticeable smile graced Luigi's mustachioed lips. As much as he loved Booette she could be a little too much at times, it made him wonder why he puts up with her and her antics. As much as he didn't want to admit it Luigi secretly liked taking care of Booette whenever she fell ill, and if he ever gets sick one day she'd have to tend to him just as he did with her. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep again that is if anymore coughs didn't disturb her rest. With nothing better else to do Luigi grabbed a book off a nearby shelf to occupy himself with and kept watch over Booette until he fell asleep himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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