Dance Under The Moon

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A/N: Moon/Stargazing with an occasional waltz to come. Also to the people who say they want more of this please don't rush me, it takes a while for me to write because of writer's block, mental health, busy with life and such. I do appreciate y'all saying that you like it but updates are slow and will come when they come if I have the inspiration and motivation to write. I'm sorry this took so long to make but like I said previously life and whatnot made it harder for me to get this out as quick as possible. Enjoy the chapter.

It was dark outside, the ebony sky dotted with countless stars accompanied by a silvery full moon. There were many places in the mansion where the moon could be seen through the windows and a few balconies, one of which was Booette's favorite spot to moongaze. Whenever she had time to do so, Booette would feel a sense of calm wash over her and her mind in a peaceful state. The moon also seemed to have a calming effect on the other ghosts as well for some odd reason or other whenever they saw it too.

A sigh escaped her pale lips as she continued stare up at the celestial satellite hanging in the night sky for just a little while longer. As she did so the ghost princess's ears perked up on some footsteps heading her way, causing her to turn to who they belonged to. The source of the footsteps was none other than Luigi who also liked looking up at the night sky from this balcony as well. Stargazing was his favorite pastime that he loved to do with his brother Mario occasionally with Princess Rosalina, Princess Daisy and even Princess Peach when she wasn't kidnapped by Bowser sometimes. They'd point out the different constellations of the stars, laughing at how some of them looked with Rosalina giving intuitive insight on how they formed and such.

"I didn't know that this-a balcony was occupied," Luigi said as he closed the door behind him. "Do you mind-a sharing with-a me?"

Booette blushed shyly before scooting over to give him some room, "O-Oh um, sure Luigi. I just come here to moongaze whenever I get the chance to at night, it's easier to see the moon that way."

"True, I usually just-a come here to-a stargaze as well as-a moongaze."

The reddish-violet eyed girl brushed off a stray piece of lint on her dress as she turned to the plumber, tilting her head slightly as she was rather curious about Luigi's hobby, something she never knew about Luigi until recently.

"Y-You stargaze? I never knew despite being here for a very long time."

"Oh yeah," the younger Mario brother replied. "Me, Mario and the-a princesses would do this a lot whenever we had-a time to, that is if-a Bowser didn't kidnap-a Princess Peach for the billionth time in a row. Mama mia. We'd point out the different constellations in the sky-a and laugh at some of the shapes they-a made, sometimes Princess-a Rosalina would drop a nugget of-a wisdom or two about them."

He sighed at that which made the ghost girl giggle a bit. 

"S-Sounds like fun. I'd like to try that with you if you don't mind, Luigi."

"We can-a do it tonight since the sky is-a clear and there are no clouds blocking them."

Luckily for them however, there was a telescope sitting not far off from the couple that apparently Booette and the Boos would use to look at the moon and stars more closely. Both the plumber and princess took turns looking through the telescope, smiling and laughing as they watched the constellations together. Then Luigi got an idea, he walked over to another part of the balcony that had a lot of space. Booette soon looked over to where the green clothed plumber was standing and floated over to him, curious as to what he was about to do.

"Would you like-a to dance with-a me?" Luigi offered his hand to her.

The ghost girl blinked owlishly at him, "H-Huh?"

"There's enough-a space for us over here for us to dance-a."

"I-I don't remember dancing as a human, it's been a very long time since I did this..."

A chuckle escaped him then Luigi looked back at her, "That's-a ok, Booette I'll help-a you get the hang of it."

"O-Ok, Luigi I trust you," she nodded and grabbed Luigi's hand.

One gloved hand held Booette's waist, the other clasped her own as gently as can be and fingers laced together. A slight breeze picked up, mildly whipping at the hair and clothes of the two occupants as they swayed around the balcony, moon and starlight reflecting off the windows' glass. Waltzing to an imaginary beat, both princess and plumber gazed into each other's eyes, blue looking back at reddish-violet. Carefully with catlike grace Luigi elegantly spun Booette around before dipping her and pulling the ivoryette back up. She smiled, making him return one of his own and soon the evening's silence was broken by peals of melodious laughter from both of them.

They continued their dance again, the only spectators so far being the moon and stars themselves with the occasional wind blowing periodically whenever it arrives. Cautiously maneuvering around, Luigi and Booette avoided either stepping on or tripping over each other's feet or falling into the lake as they danced. A lift, another spin, then another, a second dip, foreheads pressing together and a few nose boops. The ghost princess sighed while being held in the plumber's arms, feeling safe and secure in his embrace. Booette wondered what she did to deserve someone as nice and somewhat cowardly as Luigi, and sometimes he thought the same about her as shy as she was.

They stayed like that for a few extra moments before walking over to a nearby bench and sitting down, quietly enjoying each other's company. Another gust of wind blew this time much chillier than the last, causing Booette to rub her arms. Noticing this Luigi took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, which she was grateful for and sighed pleasantly at the warmth it gave off. She leaned her head against his shoulder, leading the second Mario brother to wrap an arm around her then laced their fingers again.

"Better?" He asked.

A nod, "Y-Yes. Thank you, Luigi."

Eventually it became a bit too cold for the couple to stay outside any longer and soon they retreated inside the mansion for the rest of the night.

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