Chapter 3

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(I am so sorry for the incredibly late update, but I hit such a severe imaginative block in my writing. I still kinda of have, I won't lie. Updates won't be super often, but I am trying! With that said, enjoy!)


As everyone was just starting to get up in the early morning, in a different hidden section of the tower Izaria was shoved to a wall, Cayde holding a knife against her throat. Gasping in slight shock as the air was knocked out of her momentarily, she brought her knee up to his crotch before twisting the knife out of his grip and flipping their positions, pinning him to the wall while tossing his Ace of Spades away from him and putting the knife against his neck, the blade slightly scraping at the metal of his throat.

They both stood there breathing heavily for a moment before he chuckled. "Well, I believe you win. As promised, training ends early since you beat me-" he said "-so uh...could you please pull the knife away from my throat?" Izaria smiled happily and pulled away, handing him his knife picking up Ace of Spades before handing it to him as well, "Don't forget Cay, you promised ramen was on you too," she responded in a sing-songey tone.

He groaned in fake annoyance as he holstered his Ace before chuckling, "Alright, let's go Starlight." Still smiling brightly, she grabbed her bow, placing it on her back before following Cayde out of the training spot she and Cayde had made over the past three months since she became a Guardian. Izaria didn't know why, but Cayde had offered to personally train Izaria on her second day of being in the Tower. Her ghost had answered yes for her before she even had a chance, but regardless she wasn't going to say no, especially since it was apparently very rare for him to offer such a thing. When Izaria told Ikora, Ikora had damn near spit out her drink at Cayde offering to train someone instead of goofing around. Zavala was just as floored, though not having to worry about what trouble Cayde was causing was a nice break for him.

But after three months of this, it became normal for them. A routine. At 5 in the morning they'd both get up. Cayde would stop by her place and she'd make them breakfast. Then they'd head to their little training area they made and would train either till one of 3 things. Either till Zavala called for Izaria or Cayde, if Izaria beat Cayde in a fight or if it hit 5pm. Then they'd either go get ramen or head back to Cayde's place for dinner and to hang out before going their separate ways for sleep.

As Izaria mused over her thoughts of everything, she didn't notice that she was about to walk into some people before Cayde narrowly pulled her out of the way. She sighed as she realized she had disassociated, opening her mouth to apologize except Cayde quickly covered her mouth with an exasperated look. "Stop apologizing for things Starlight, it's fine," he gave her a small smile before they continued walking and eventually made it to the ramen shop. Quickly they ordered their food and laughed the night away.

As Cayde paid for the meal and was getting ready to walk Izaria back to her apartment, he froze as he saw a text from his sister saying she needed his help. Immediately he ran off, yelling back to Izaria "Emergency happening, sorry Starlight! Get back home safe!"

Izaria just giggled at his behavior, finishing her water before sighing and getting up to return home. As she walked back, she stopped by where Shaxx always was to give him the small box of cookies she always got for him towards the end of the day. Heading over to him, she smiled brightly as Shaxx waved at her. "Here ya go Shaxx, as always, fresh cookies from the bakery." she said, handing the box over to the Titan. Shaxx's voice heightened in excitement, "Wonderful! Thank you Am- I mean Izaria!" Izaria tilted her head in confusion as this was not the first time he had almost called her the same weird name, always starting with 'Am'. Shaking the thoughts away, she just figured it was someone he knew who she looked similar to.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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