Third Parent

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After having spent the whole day going through dresses and watching movies at Saba's house, Meerab finally decided to head back to Murtasim's flat.

She arrived at an okay time; it was only 8 p.m., and using the extra key Murtasim had provided for her, she entered the flat yawning and stretching. She was a little tired. No doubt it took effort to raid through piles and piles of clothes and then hang them back up in the closet again. She just wanted to head off to bed early.

“Next time you will inform me personally as to where you will be going and what you will be doing,” came Murtasim’s low, stern voice.

Meerab jumped. The lounge room was dimly lit and she hadn’t noticed Murtasim sitting on a couch there.

“Oh my God,” said Meerab sounding annoyed. She placed a hand over her heart in an attempt to calm the sudden spike in her heartbeat. “Why did you have to scare me like that? I didn’t even see you sitting there.”

Murtasim stood up and faced her. He did not look pleased at all and had an angry scowl over his face. Meerab gulped. I forgot how he can become really scary sometimes.

“Meerab, while you are staying in my house, you are not to go prancing off wherever you wish without my permission. You were allowed to go to work. That’s it. You were not allowed to go anywhere else,” he fumed.

“Excuse me?!” said Meerab looking surprised at the reason for his anger. “I literally told Mai where I was going. It’s not my fault you were still asleep in the morning.”

“It’s my house Meerab, not Mai’s. Next time you will ask me directly for permission before going anywhere. You will not tell the servants and then casually saunter off to wherever you fancy. Is that clear?” he asked in a steely tone.

Meerab’s mouth fell open at his statement. “Are you serious? If you’ve been informed about where I am, doesn’t that mean I’m safe and it’s all good? Why the hell would I ask you for permission? Do I honestly have no life of my own?”

“No. Not under my house,” replied Murtasim haughtily. “I have set rules and you will follow them.”

Meerab scoffed. “It was your scheme to make my parents leave me with you,” she said walking up to him and jabbing a finger in his chest. “I didn’t choose to stay here. I should’ve been staying with Saba! You’ve messed up my plans, so don’t you dare try to control me on top of that! Women in your family back in Hyderabad might have suffocating, stupid rules to follow, but I will not be following them. Is that clear?”

“No,” he replied simply. “It’s still my house at the end of the day. I will not tolerate your disregard for my rules. It’s downright rude and disrespectful to not follow the rules of the person whose place you are staying at as a guest. If you have a problem, you can call your parents. The moment they say you can stay with Saba, I won’t ask you again,” he responded, pushing her finger away from his chest.

“Urgh! You are such a manipulator!” she exclaimed, feeling utterly frustrated at being unable to find a comeback to throw at him.

The side of Murtasim’s mouth lifted in a small smile. “In any case Meerab, instead of spending hours with friends you already see enough of during the work week, you should only concern yourself with me. Think about accepting my offer in your free time. I know you want to,” he said with a glint in his eyes.

“Oh here we go; you’re back to being a pervert,” said Meerab shaking her head.

Murtasim stepped into her personal space, his face inches from hers and slowly ran his palms up her arms. Meerab shuddered at his warm touch over her bare arms which were sticking out of her t-shirt.

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