Enemies with Benefits

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Meerab woke to the sound of a bird chirping, but she didn't want to open her eyes just yet. Her body felt cocooned in warmth and the heat seemed to be radiating from something pressed firmly against her side. She could feel a heavy weight across her body. It felt comforting and safe. She snuggled against it. It wasn't until she felt the weight on top of her stir did her eyes snap open.

What in the world?

Meerab looked around and took in her surroundings. The warm weight sprawled over her was Murtasim. She lay wrapped tightly in his tanned arms which were secured around her waist. His legs were tangled up in between hers as well. A duvet covered the both of them and was holding in all of their heat. Murtasim's face was curled into her shoulder. She could feel the rough texture of his beard scrape against her skin.

Meerab's eyes darted around once more and she realised she was in her portion of the hotel suite. Their clothes lay littered on the floor. Her mind raced through memories of last night.  

I had sex with Murtasim!!

It was something that had happened in the heat of the moment; their pent up fury and rage for each other always made them do irrational and crazy things, but this time it had gotten out of control. They had crossed boundaries they wouldn't have normally.

She blushed as she recalled how brazenly eager and bold she'd been. It was like she had been starved for ages and was hungry for only him. She had wanted to kiss him, bite him and feel more of him. The urge and want for him seemed to have ensnared her mind and turned it so useless that she didn't even once think about her conservative boundaries last night. They had simply been rendered insignificant in that particular moment.

Meerab tried her best to process her thoughts and emotions. She was in a strange tug-of-war with herself. Yes, this situation that she'd slept with Murtasim in wasn't ideal for someone like her. She'd never imagined herself to be sort of the person who'd lose their virginity in a bout of hate fucking and that too outside of marriage, but for some odd reason she wasn't regretting sleeping with Murtasim. She just couldn't bring herself to feel sad about last night.


Was it that she didn't like how they had slept together casually, but the who she had slept with she was totally fine with? 

Yes! That's it!

But that then raised even more questions in her mind. Why was she okay with giving her virginity to Murtasim? Why him of all people? She hated him! It didn't make any sense. Only one thing made sense.

It's so uniquely 'us' to be arguing even while we have sex! It's like angry hate fucking was invented just for us.

Meerab smiled at the thought and then turned her head to her to look at Murtasim. He had a serene, peaceful look on his face as he slept. Despite the fact that his body frame was so much bigger than hers, he looked a little child like, the way he was curled up against her.

He's so fucking beautiful.

Just as she was thinking this, Murtasim stirred again. Then his eyes cracked open. He looked lost and dazed. He lifted his head off her shoulder, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with the back of his hand, yawned and then tried focusing on his surroundings once again.

He met Meerab's eyes and recalled last night. A warm, happy feeling grew in his chest and spread throughout his body. It wasn’t conventional, heck they had almost ripped off each other's heads, but it was easily the best night of his life.

He drank in her face with his eyes. She looked just as divine as she did last night, even with her swollen lips, smeared kohl, tousled hair and angry love bites scatted over her neck. She looked content. He smiled softly at her.

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