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Meerab was immediately admitted to the nearest hospital to treat her stab wound. Murtasim paced anxiously in the waiting area the entire time she was in the emergency. He had no care for anything else at all and had left Bakhtu to deal with Rohail's issue and his body.

After hours of painful waiting, doctors had finally given Murtasim a chance to breathe a sigh of relief. Meerab was incredibly lucky that Rohail hadn't managed to stab the knife into her stomach too deep to damage her vital organs. She would be alright.

The moment Murtasim was allowed into her room to visit, Meerab's eyes started tearing up again.

"Meerab why are you crying? Please don't cry, you'll stress yourself and won't heal," said Murtasim, wiping the tears from her face.

Now that Meerab was out of immediate danger, the next emotional hurdle awaited her; coming to terms all over again with her parents' deaths. She was avoiding its mention until absolutely necessary, as she knew it would make her cry.

"It was Rohail. He killed my parents," said Meerab in between sobs. She explained how they lost their lives pointlessly due to Rohail's assumptions that it would help him out in his plan.

Murtasim was at a loss for what to say to console her. Rohail's irrational and horrid moves had taken two lives from the world for absolutely no fault. Yet he achieved nothing. He was a pure waste of a human being.

Murtasim wished he could do something, promise Meerab he would get her some sort of vengeance, but he was truly powerless this time. How was one supposed to get vengeance when the perpetrator was already dead?

Murtasim encased Meerab's hands within his own two hands and said "Leave Rohail's punishment with Allah, for he's best at serving retribution. No theft, pain or kill goes unaccounted for. You have closure at least. We won't be searching endlessly for Waqas uncle and Anila auntie's killer now."

Meerab nodded, while Murtasim pressed a kiss on her temple.

With a heavy heart, Murtasim rang Bakhtu and asked him to also add to his tasks, working with the police on finding evidence that could prove Rohail was behind Meerab's parents deaths. Murtasim had already left him the task of ensuring that police gathered evidence of Meerab's stalking and kidnapping.

While Murtasim held a lot of connections as well as a very influential position of power, he still needed proper evidence against Rohail collected, or he could be at risk of facing imprisonment. It was a relatively easy task though, seeing as it was in a kill in defence after all. Most wealthy landowners, just like politicians, usually got away with far worse by simply giving bribes. He couldn't deny he had privilege as a rich feudal lord and escaping imprisonment was incredibly easy for him.

Meerab was soon shifted to a hospital in Karachi, where she would continue her healing process. Upon her hospital change, Saba, Farrukh, Naurez and Maa Begum paid her a visit the moment visiting hours were open, bringing along a huge stack of flowers with them to cheer her mood. The entire group ignored the hassled looking nurse, who tried to tell them only two visitors were allowed at a time.

Meerab adjusted the back of her hospital bed so it was slightly raised, allowing her to see her visitors better.

Ten minutes into the visit, Saba was crying again. Between heavy sobs, she stated to Meerab how she was going to make sure to handcuff her to herself the next time they went anywhere together.

Farrukh joked that he could try to arrange hidden location trackers to be fitted into her shoes just in case she ever went missing again.

Naurez stated how he'd never seen truer love than Meerab and Murtasim's love and how they had even trumped rationality.

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