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The fifth day which was also their last day in Paris according to tong yao was a bit free for the team as they only had a small carnival event to attend in the evening.
So the day started as they all  visit bercy village ,a famous place in paris  and according to the plan everybody pretended in front of tong yao that it was their one last day enjoying in Paris .

As jianyang and Ai Jia also arrived ,they all enjoyed to the fullest ;visited Versailles,went for shopping ,ate some super authentic dishes of the city  ,visited different famous tourist places of Paris and clicked some amazing pictures .
The pictures were the memories collected by tong yao from this amazing city . She  was super happy as she had her boyfriend and her bestfriend both by her side in the city of lights.
She enjoyed each and every moment of the trip happily with her hands in lu sicheng's although there was a time when she cried but that understanding and the trust  of the two of them towards each other  only made their bond deep down more strong.
The trip was a total banger for tong yao .

On the other hand ,lu sicheng was excited and nervous  both at the same time. He wade through the  river of emotions  thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow.Although he knew tong yao's answer in his heart and he already did prepare the best suprise he could ever give to anybody ,he was still the most nervous right now.

Tong yao- cheng ,see i bought this small gifts for everyone,how is it ?
He smiled thinking about how her girlfriend cares about everybody and ruffled her hair
Lu sicheng - the gifts are beautiful
Tong yao - is it ?
Jianyang - jiemei are you done with your shopping , let's eat something,I'm hungry
Tong yao - ok ok let's go
Lu sicheng rechecks the timing and called his driver to pick up tong yao's parents from the airport to drop them off at the hotel.As it was the first time for tong yao's parents to come to a foreign country,he took care of everything so that they can reach in the city comfortably.
Tong yao he called , I have to go to the hotel with Rui , we have to talk some things out to the company's manager and he is already there so you go enjoy your lunch with everyone, I'll see you at the hotel .ok ?
Tong yao - all of a sudden ? Cheng ,it's our last day in Paris ,we have our flight tomorrow and you are going she says in a sad tone
Lu sicheng - tong yao , it's very important or else I would have never ruin our lunch . Don't be sad now ,please ?
Tong yao - ok ok fine ,you can go
Lu sicheng - bye !! See you at the hotel
This was an excuse so that he can meet his parents and also he wanted to make sure that his parents get along with tongyao's without any mess.

As cheng turns around to leave the outlet ,tong yao suddenly felt blurriness in front of her eyes ,she was about to fall but fortunately lu sicheng grabs her.
Lu sicheng - tong yao ,he call her name out loudly  in a worried voice  while he holds her hand tightly ,grabbing her from shoulder and asks what happen ? Are you okay ?
Everybody stressed out watching how tong yao was about to fall.
Jianyang holds her second hand - jeimei what happen ? Come sit here
Tong yao - no no I'm okay ,I guess it was due to dehydration.
Lu sicheng asks chubby to bring a glass of water and scolded her saying - I told you hundred of times to stay hydrated,why don't you ever listen to me?
Drink this ,and let's go. You're going with me to the hotel.
Tong yao - cheng !! I'm fine i swear
Lu sicheng - you were about to fall ,how the fuck are you  fine ? You can rest for few hours in the hotel .let's go now
Tong yao - cheng !! Jianyang and everyone is with me don't worry nothing will happen and I'll call you promise if I feel sick again.
Lu sicheng - ok fine!! Take care of yourself and call me if you need anything.
Tong yao - promise

In the hotel
Lu sicheng ,his parents and tong yao's parents did their lunch together at the hotel's rooftop restaurant with some good conversations about how everything's gonna be happening tomorrow

Mr lu  - it's been nice meeting you guys finally!!
Tong yao's father - pleasure is all ours Mr lu .
We met lu sicheng several times at the base but never got any chance to meet you both.
Mrs lu - I hope your journey was comfortable.
Tong yao's father - yes yes lu sicheng made sure of that.
Tong yao's mother - yao yao is very lucky to have lu sicheng in her life  and we are very excited for tomorrow.I wonder the look on tong yao's face when she'll get to see the arrangements lu sicheng has done for her.
Tong yao's father - our tong yao is very sensitive,she'll definitely cry alot after watching all these beautiful efforts made by lu sicheng.
Mr lu and Mrs lu smiles listening to  tong yao's parents talks
Mrs lu - we are excited too to finally see our son starting a new phase of his life and i must say tong yao has changed him alot for a good definitely.
Lu sicheng - mumma ,stop it now .I haven't changed at all.
Mr lu (laughs ) - son , we can observe everything particularly in our age.
Lu sicheng nodded his head in disagreement but in his mind he knew that he has changed alot in these past three years after his lady luck came into the life.
Rui  - cheng !! Everything is prepared but I'm stressed about what are we gonna explain to tong yao about our flight.she is gonna make too much fuss if we all will not get ready for our flight.
Lu sicheng - jianyang is gonna make sure of that ,don't worry she will handle tong yao.

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