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Rui - oh all of you are ready.You all look great.Now let's go backstage.The media and the anchor has arrived and there are probably 400-500 people in the audience too.Let's get going.
Ming - But where is cheng ?
Lao k - you guess
Rui - tong yao ? Oh God this boy troubles me alot. Go chubby call him and also look if tong yao is also ready.
Chubby - me ?no no I'm not going
Ming - All right ,tong yao's room is in the way .Let's go together then we'll head down towards the  backstage from there itself.
Chubby - this sounds nice

In tong yao's room
Lu sicheng kept looking at tong yao as they both were lost in each other's eyes.
Lu sicheng hold on to tong yao's face from both of his hands and says- You look Gorgeous.So so gorgeous,I've never seen you like this before.
He lean towards and kisses her forehead.He keeps getting closer to her lips,grabbing her tightly from the waist. As they both closed their eyes,he was about to kiss on her lips but suddenly chubby shouted.
Chubby - chenggggg !!!stop stop stop .
We didn't see anything,we didn't see anything.
As they both open up their eyes in shock and looked at the door ,everyone were standing looking at them.
Everyone was smiling awkwardly and fatty had his hand on the eyes.
Chubby - can I open my eyes ?
Lue yue - woowwww!! Brother and shorty we gave you a private room in the 7 star hotel still you were doing all this stuff in front of your team members .
Lao cat - our cold hearted captain probably turns soft on a very few moments.
They all kept laughing.
Tong yao face already got tomato red with all their teasing.
Lu sicheng - can you guys please shut up?
Lue yue - after watching you both like this ,we probably can't.
Chubby - leave everything aside guys ,just look at our jiejie, she is looking so pretty in this dress.
Ming - yes tong yao you look so beautiful.
Lao k - The dress suits you yao , you look fabulous.
Lao cat(teases )  - oh now I understand why cheng was not able to hold on until he reaches the hotel.
Rui - anyways guys !! Let's go now, the manager has already been calling me from past ten minutes .
Tong yao - rui ? I heard there are probably 500 people in the audience.no, no i can't go .I'm too nervous. You didn't tell me before  that there would be audience too.
Rui - tong yao ,don't get nervous.its just the matter of time.Let's go everyone.
Tong yao - but...
Lu sicheng pats on tong yao's head and says - shorty don't get nervous. I'm with you.
Chubby - yes jiejie we all are with you.keep up the spirit.
Lu sicheng holds her hand tightly and says let's go everyone.

They reach backstage ,sitting and hearing all  those loud cheers they could feel in their gut the amount of craze, those audience holds for them.
It was finally the time to go, as the anchor called and invited them on the stage with cheerful spirit all around.

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